From September 2000 to January 2002, a serologic survey was conducted in a population of free-ranging Brazilian tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) inhabiting Emas National Park and surrounding areas in Goiás state, central Brazil, as part of an ecologic study. Ten tapirs were immobilized with a tiletamine–zolazepam combination, and blood samples were collected. All sera were negative for Leptospira spp., Brucella abortus, and equine infectious anemia; and one of 10 animals was positive for Toxoplasma gondii. This report represents the first serologic survey for selected infectious diseases in a free-ranging population of Brazilians tapirs in central Brazil.
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1 January 2010
Serologic Survey for Selected Infectious Diseases in Free-Ranging Brazilian Tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) in the Cerrado of Central Brazil
Mariana Malzoni Furtado,
Anah Tereza de Almeida Jácomo,
Cyntia Kayo Kashivakura,
Natália Mundim Tôrres,
Maria Fernanda Vianna Marvulo,
Alessandra Mara Alves Ragozo,
Silvio Luís Pereira de Souza,
José Soares Ferreira Neto,
Silvio Arruda Vasconcellos,
Zenaide Maria Morais,
Adriana Cortez,
Leonardo José Richtzenhain,
Jean Carlos Ramos Silva,
Leandro Silveira
Brazilian tapir
free-ranging tapir
infectious diseases
Tapirus terrestris
Toxoplasma gondii
wild mammal