The endangered Sonoma County population of the California Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma californiense, undergoes migrations between breeding pools and upland dry-season refugia. Orientation in this species during breeding migrations has been addressed minimally in previous studies, and literature is particularly sparse concerning newly metamorphosed juveniles. Previous works have not addressed the ability of metamorphs to orient or the way in which they search for upland refugia. The initial migration from natal pools to uplands following metamorphosis has been identified as a crucial life-history juncture for the persistence of this species. We evaluated fine-scale movements of newly metamorphosed California Tiger Salamanders as they moved away from breeding pools by capturing salamanders with a drift fence and then tracking individuals with fluorescent powder. Here we show that newly metamorphosed juveniles do not move randomly, and that they can re-orient to their upland migration after being interrupted and disoriented. Further, we demonstrate that while searching for burrow refugia, metamorph movement can be characterized as a correlated random walk.