Tasso C. Cocoves, Mark I. Cook, Jeffrey L. Kline, Lori Oberhofer, Nathan J. Dorn
Ornithological Applications 123 (1), 1-12, (1 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1093/ornithapp/duaa072
KEYWORDS: drought, Hurricane, irruptive breeding, marl prairie, Procambarus fallax, pulsed resources, Shark River Slough, wading birds
As avian reproductive success is generally prey limited, identifying important prey types or sizes and understanding mechanisms governing prey availability are important objectives for avian conservation ecology. Irruptive White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) nesting at coastal colonies in the southern Everglades numbered over 100,000 nests in the 1930s. A century of drainage and altered hydrologic patterns reduced aquatic prey availability and eliminated large nesting events; nesting activity in recent decades has been typically less than 5% of historical peaks. Hydrologic restoration is expected to increase ibis nesting activity, but which prey types will support high nesting effort is less clear. In 2017 and 2018, we collected food boluses from White Ibis chicks at coastal colonies in Everglades National Park. We also monitored regional nesting activity from 1999 to 2018. In 2017, the region had 1,075 nests, typical of the past several decades; but in 2018, there were 30,420 nests, representing the highest recorded nesting activity in 87 yr. Prey composition varied between years; estuarine crabs dominated nestling boluses in 2017, while crayfish and fish were dominant prey in 2018. Crayfish, especially Procambarus alleni, were heavily exploited by ibis early in the 2018 breeding season, while fish were used more at the end. Crayfish abundances in wetlands near the colonies were higher prior to 2018, and more crayfish-producing short-hydroperiod wetlands remained available for ibis foraging in 2018. Our results support previous studies indicating that crayfish are important prey for breeding ibises and suggest that unprecedented, extensive flooding of seasonal wetlands promoted crayfish production and initiated the irruptive breeding in 2018. Our observations indicate that rehydration of the southern Everglades could restore ibis nesting activity at coastal colonies, but further investigations of hydrologic variation, crayfish production, and ibis foraging and nesting activity will be helpful to understand these dynamics and the importance of short-hydroperiod wetlands.
Increasing White Ibis breeding in the southern Everglades and increasing the frequency of large nesting events (tens of thousands of nest attempts) are stated ecological goals of Everglades restoration.
Little is known about which prey support White Ibis breeding and large nesting events in the southern Everglades.
We found that White Ibis nesting in the southern Everglades used freshwater crayfish heavily in a year with extraordinarily high breeding activity and used estuarine crabs heavily in a year with poor breeding activity.
Extensive flooding of seasonal wetlands, following hurricane Irma, was correlated with higher crayfish abundances an foraging habitat availability in the year with higher White Ibis breeding activity.
Our observations indicate that ecological processes supporting large nesting events of White Ibis could be restored with additional freshwater flooding of the southwestern Everglades.