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3 May 2023 Woodpeckers in the city: Abundances are highest in large green spaces with complex understories
Adam Baz, Michael T. Murphy
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We documented occurrence and relative abundance (henceforth abundance) of five woodpecker species in 36 forested green spaces in Portland, Oregon (USA), to estimate minimum area requirements (MAR; 0.5 probability of occurrence) and to test for potential influences of green space area and type (heavily treed manicured green spaces vs. undeveloped natural forests), habitat features, and landscape composition on the abundance of woodpeckers. Abundances of all species increased with green space area. Manicured and natural green spaces did not differ in canopy cover or total basal area, but woodpecker abundances were greater in natural than manicured green spaces for all species except Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus). Flickers and Downy Woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) were most abundant, MAR of both were under 1.5 ha, and both were found in essentially all green spaces. Hairy (P. villosus) and Pileated (Dryocopus pileatus) woodpeckers were least abundant, and with MAR of 34 and 51 ha, respectively, exhibited pronounced area sensitivity. Red-breasted Sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus ruber) were intermediate in abundance and MAR to the 2 former and 2 latter species. The most important habitat variables associated with variation in abundance among green spaces were the contribution of deciduous trees to the canopy (Downy Woodpecker [+], Pileated Woodpecker [+], and Northern Flicker [–]), canopy cover (Hairy Woodpecker [+] and Northern Flicker [+]), and log density (Hairy Woodpecker [+], Red-breasted Sapsucker [–]). At the landscape level, lower woodpecker abundance was associated with increased urbanization (Red-breasted Sapsucker and Northern Flicker), while increasing forest cover influenced abundance of Northern Flicker (–) and Pileated Woodpecker (+). Highest woodpecker abundances were thus found in large green spaces with complex understories that were embedded in relatively undeveloped treed landscapes. Management of forested urban green spaces should prioritize needs of the area-sensitive species because ensuring their continued presence benefits the entire avian community.

How to Cite

Baz, A., and M. T. Murphy (2023). Woodpeckers in the city: Abundances are highest in large green spaces with complex understories. Ornithological Applications 125:duad013.


  • Woodpeckers provide ecosystem services by acting as ecosystem engineers, habitat modifiers, and facilitator species. However, we know little about woodpecker requirements for persistence in urban settings.

  • We documented minimum area requirements (MAR) and sources of variation in abundance of 5 woodpecker species in 36 green spaces in Portland, Oregon, in 2015 and 2016.

  • Except for the ground-foraging Northern Flicker, MAR increased with body size, ranging from 1.3 ha for the small Downy Woodpeckers (27.5 g) to 51 ha for the large Pileated Woodpecker (300 g).

  • Abundance of all species increased with green space area, and except for Northern Flickers, was higher in natural than manicured green spaces.

  • Species responses to habitat and landscape variables differed, but abundances were generally higher in green spaces with high basal area of deciduous trees, closed canopy, and where landscapes were less urbanized and had higher tree cover.

  • Management policies should be driven by the needs of species with the largest MAR and greatest dependence on structurally complex vegetation structure.

Documentamos la presencia y abundancia relativa (en adelante, abundancia) de cinco especies de pájaros carpinteros en 36 espacios verdes boscosos en Portland, Oregón (EEUU), para estimar los requisitos mínimos de superficie (RMS; 0,5 probabilidad de ocurrencia) y evaluar posibles influencias de la superficie y el tipo de espacio verde (espacios verdes cuidados con árboles podados versus bosques naturales poco desarrollados), las características del hábitat y la composición del paisaje en la abundancia de los pájaros carpinteros. Las abundancias de todas las especies aumentaron con la superficie del espacio verde. Los espacios verdes cuidados y naturales no se diferenciaron en la cobertura del dosel o el área basal total, pero las abundancias de pájaros carpinteros fueron mayores en los espacios verdes naturales que en los cuidados para todas las especies, excepto para Colaptes auratus. C. auratus y Picoides pubescens fueron las especies más abundantes, y los RMS de ambas estuvieron por debajo de 1,5 ha y se encontraron en prácticamente todos los espacios verdes. P. villosus y Dryocopus pileatus fueron las especies menos abundantes y, con RMS de 34 y 51 ha, respectivamente, mostraron una fuerte sensibilidad a la superficie. Sphyrapicus ruber tuvo una abundancia y un RMS intermedio en comparación con las 2 especies nombradas inicialmente y las 2 posteriores. Las variables de hábitat más importantes asociadas con la variación en la abundancia entre los espacios verdes fueron la contribución de árboles caducifolios al dosel (P. pubescens [+], D. pileatus [+] y C. auratus [–]), la cobertura del dosel (P. villosus [+] y C. auratus [+]), y la densidad de troncos (P. villosus [+], S. ruber [–]). A nivel del paisaje, una menor abundancia de pájaros carpinteros se asoció con una mayor urbanización (S. ruber y C. auratus), mientras que el aumento de la cobertura boscosa influyó en la abundancia de C. auratus (–) y D. pileatus (+). Las mayores abundancias de pájaros carpinteros se encontraron en espacios verdes grandes con sotobosques complejos que estuvieron inmersos en paisajes arbolados relativamente poco desarrollados. La gestión de los espacios verdes boscosos urbanos debe priorizar las necesidades de las especies sensibles a la superficie, ya que asegurar su presencia continua beneficia a toda la comunidad de aves.

Adam Baz and Michael T. Murphy "Woodpeckers in the city: Abundances are highest in large green spaces with complex understories," Ornithological Applications 125(3), 1-13, (3 May 2023).
Received: 7 October 2022; Accepted: 21 March 2023; Published: 3 May 2023
composición del paisaje
espacios verdes urbanos
especies facilitadoras
facilitator species
habitat use
landscape composition
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