The first North American record for Fulvius subnitens Poppius is reported based on one specimen collected in southcentral Virginia. Fulvius anthocoroides (Reuter), Fulvius imbecilis (Say), Fulvius slateri Wheeler, and Fulvius subnitens are diagnosed and described, and color images of adults, updated distributions, a review of feeding habits, and an identification key are provided. For each species, the nomenclatural history and most important citations are given.
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1 April 2011
First North American Record of the Old World Cylapine Fulvius subnitens Poppius (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from Virginia, with Descriptions and a Key to the U.S. Species of Fulvius
Thomas J. Henry,
Richard L. Hoffman,
Andrzej Wolski
Feeding habits
new records
plant bugs
United States