The genus Placopterus Wolcott, comprised of Placopterus plumbeus (Gorham), Placopterus rufipes (Schenkling), and Placopterus thoracicus (Olivier), is revised. Enoclerus thoracicus var. pallipes Wolcott and Clerus thoracicus subcostatus Schaeffer are relegated junior synonyms of P. thoracicus. Placopterus is considered the sister taxon of Perilypus, and P. plumbeus and P. rufipes are assessed sister species. Placopterus thoracicus is considered the most morphologically apomorphic of the genus. Lectotypes are designated for Poecilochroa plumbea Gorham, P. rufipes, and Clerus thoracicus Olivier
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1 April 2011
Revision of the Checkered Beetle Genus Placopterus Wolcott (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae)
Weston Opitz