Pouget, J-P., Laurent, C., Delbos, M., Benderitter, M., Clairand, I., Trompier, F., Stéphanazzi, J., Carsin, H., Lambert, F., Voisin, P. and Gourmelon, P. PCC-FISH in Skin Fibroblasts for Local Dose Assessment: Biodosimetric Analysis of a Victim of the Georgian Radiological Accident. Radiat. Res. 162, 365–376 (2004).
We propose a new method of biodosimetry that could be applied in cases of localized irradiation. The approach is based on excess chromosome segments determination by the PCC-FISH technique in fibroblasts isolated from skin biopsy. Typically, 0 to 10 Gy ex vivo γ-irradiated human skin biopsies were dissociated and fibroblasts were isolated and grown for several days. Cells next underwent PCC-FISH painting of whole chromosome 4, and the number of excess chromosome segments per metaphase was determined. An ex vivo reference curve correlating the number of excess chromosome segments per metaphase to the radiation dose was established and used to assess the dose delivered to the skin of one of the victims of the radiological accident that occurred at Lia in Georgia in December 2001. Specifically, the victim suffering from moist desquamation underwent skin excision in Hospital Percy (France). Measurement of excess chromosome segments per metaphase was done in fibroblasts isolated and grown from removed wounded skin and subsequent conversion to radiation doses was performed. The radiation dose map obtained was shown to be in accordance with clinical data and physical dosimetry as well as with conventional biodosimetry. These results demonstrated that PCC-FISH painting applied to skin fibroblasts may be a suitable technique for dose estimation. To assess its worth, this approach needs to be extended to future accidents involving localized radiation exposure.