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21 October 2021 Peripheral Blood Transcript Signatures after Internal 131I-mIBG Therapy in Relapsed and Refractory Neuroblastoma Patients Identifies Early and Late Biomarkers of Internal 131I Exposures
Angela C. Evans, Tim Setzkorn, David A. Edmondson, Haley Segelke, Paul F. Wilson, Katherine K. Matthay, M. Meaghan Granger, Araz Marachelian, Daphne A. Haas-Kogan, Steven G. DuBois, Matthew A. Coleman
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131I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (131I-mIBG) is a targeted radiation therapy developed for the treatment of advanced neuroblastoma. We have previously shown that this patient cohort can be used to predict absorbed dose associated with early 131I exposure, 72 h after treatment. We now expand these studies to identify gene expression differences associated with 131I-mIBG exposure 15 days after treatment. Total RNA from peripheral blood lymphocytes was isolated from 288 whole blood samples representing 59 relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma patients before and after 131I-mIBG treatment. We found that several transcripts predictive of early exposure returned to baseline levels by day 15, however, selected transcripts did not return to baseline. At 72 h, all 17 selected pathway-specific transcripts were differentially expressed. Transcripts CDKN1A (P < 0.000001), FDXR (P < 0.000001), DDB2 (P < 0.000001), and BBC3 (P < 0.000001) showed the highest up-regulation at 72 h after 131I-mIBG exposure, with mean log2 fold changes of 2.55, 2.93, 1.86 and 1.85, respectively. At day 15 after 131I-mIBG, 11 of the 17 selected transcripts were differentially expressed, with XPC, STAT5B, PRKDC, MDM2, POLH, IGF1R, and SGK1 displaying significant up-regulation at 72 h and significant down-regulation at day 15. Interestingly, transcripts FDXR (P = 0.01), DDB2 (P = 0.03), BCL2 (P = 0.003), and SESN1 (P < 0.0003) maintained differential expression 15 days after 131I-mIBG treatment. These results suggest that transcript levels for DNA repair, apoptosis, and ionizing radiation-induced cellular stress are still changing by 15 days after 131I-mIBG treatment. Our studies showcase the use of biodosimetry gene expression panels as predictive biomarkers following early (72 h) and late (15 days) internal 131I exposure. Our findings also demonstrate the utility of our transcript panel to differentiate exposed from non-exposed individuals up to 15 days after exposure from internal 131I.

©2022 by Radiation Research Society. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Angela C. Evans, Tim Setzkorn, David A. Edmondson, Haley Segelke, Paul F. Wilson, Katherine K. Matthay, M. Meaghan Granger, Araz Marachelian, Daphne A. Haas-Kogan, Steven G. DuBois, and Matthew A. Coleman "Peripheral Blood Transcript Signatures after Internal 131I-mIBG Therapy in Relapsed and Refractory Neuroblastoma Patients Identifies Early and Late Biomarkers of Internal 131I Exposures," Radiation Research 197(2), 101-112, (21 October 2021).
Received: 10 July 2020; Accepted: 23 September 2021; Published: 21 October 2021
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