Climate projections indicate the Great Plains will experience higher mean temperatures and greater interannual precipitation variability in the future.
Greater precipitation variability will challenge the economic viability of rangeland beef cattle production by further disrupting forage supply and animal demand.
Beef producers are uncertain of future climate impacts, indicating assistance with adaptive strategies is needed.
Private-state-national partnerships may help sustain rangelands and economically viable beef cattle production with increasing climate variability.
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19 March 2021
Future Climate Variability will Challenge Rangeland Beef Cattle Production in the Great Plains
David D. Briske,
John P. Ritten,
Amber R. Campbell,
Toni Klemm,
Audrey E. H. King

Vol. 43 • No. 1
February 2021
Vol. 43 • No. 1
February 2021
21st century rangelands
climate change adaptation
Climate vulnerability
Drought preparedness
rangeland management
sustainable rangelands