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15 June 2011 Authorship and date of two family-group names in the Trombidiidae (Acariformes: Parasitengona)
Zhi-Qiang Zhang
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Mąkol (2007) proposed two new family-group names in the Trombidiidae, with the type genera Dolichothrombium Feider, 1945 and Paratrombium Bruyant, 1910, respectively. However, Robaux (1969) also proposed two new family-group names based on the same two genera respectively and so did Feider (1959) for family-group names based on Paratrombium (although they used the emendation Parathrombium). The purpose of this short note is to clarify the authorship and date of these family-group names.

Robaux (1969) introduced a classification of the ‘Thrombidiinae s.l.’ into different tribes; he erected the new tribe Dolichothrombiini with the sole genus Dolichothrombium and provided a diagnosis. Mąkol (2007) proposed a new classification of the Trombidiidae and proposed a “new” subfamily Dolichothrombiinae with Dolichothrombium as the sole and type genus; this is merely the first use of the previously established name in a new rank (subfamily) but incorrectly as a new name. According to Article 36 Principle of Coordination of International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999), the authorship and date for both Dolichothrombiini and Dolichothrombiinae are Robaux, 1969—also for all other Dolichothrombium-based family-group names at ranks not yet used (i.e. superfamily, family, and subtribe).

Feider (1959) first proposed Parathromboidea (p. 545) and Parathrombiidae (p. 546) with descriptions to enable separation of them from related superfamilies/families. Robaux (1969) erected Parathrombiini to accommodate Paratrombium (spelt as Parathrombium) and Xenothrombium and he also provided a diagnosis for the tribe. Mąkol (2007) proposed a “new” subfamily Paratrombiinae with Paratrombium as the type genus and provided a diagnosis; she was aware of Feider (1959, 1979) and Robaux (1969). According to the Principle of Coordination, the nomenclatural history is best explicitly summarized as below.

  • Superfamily Paratrombioidea Feider, 1959

    Parathromboidea Feider, 1959: 545 (incorrect original spelling: addition of “h” after “t”; omission of “i” after “b”).

  • Family Paratrombiidae Feider, 1959

    Parathrombiidae Feider, 1959: 546 (incorrect original spelling: addition of “h” after “t”)

    Parathrombiidae—Feider 1979: 422 (incorrect spelling).

  • Subfamily Paratrombiinae Feider, 1959

    Paratrombiinae—Mąkol, 2007: 169 (first use at the subfamily rank, but incorrect use as a new name).

  • Tribe Paratrombiini Feider, 1959

Parathrombiini—Robaux, 1969:90 (first use at the tribe rank, but incorrect spelling and incorrect use as a new name). Acknowledgements: To R.B. Halliday and J. Mąkol for review and comments, which improved the paper.



L. Bruyant ( 1910) Description d'une nouvelle larve de Trombidion (Paratrombium egregium n. gen. n. sp.) et remarques sur les Leptes. Zoologischer Anzeiger , 35, 347–352. Google Scholar


Z. Feider ( 1945) Un nouveau Thrombidion, recueilli au bord de la Mer Noire: Thrombidium (Dolicothrombium) borceai n. s. g. n. sp. Bulletin de la Section scientifique de l'Academie Roumaine, Bucharest, 27(9), 673–675. Google Scholar


Z. Feider ( 1959) New proposals on the classification of mites from the group Trombidia. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal , 38, 537–549 (in Russian). Google Scholar


Z. Feider ( 1979) Principes et methods dans la taxonomie du group des Trombidia. In: E. Piffl (ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Acarology , Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 417–423. Google Scholar


International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, xxix + 306 pp. Google Scholar


J. Mąkol ( 2007) Generic level review and phytogeny of Trombidiidae and Podothrombiidae (Acari: Actinotrichida: Trombidioidea) of the World. Annales Zoologici , 57, 1–194. Google Scholar


P. Robaux ( 1969) Thrombidiidae d'Amerique du Sud. 11.—Chyzerini, Thrombidiinae; solinidiotaxie du palpe chez quelques Thrombidiidae; relations entre les Podothrombium Berlese 1910, Variathrombium n. g. et les Thrombidiinae s. 1. Acarologia , 11, 69–93. Google Scholar
© 2011 Systematic & Applied Acarology Society
Zhi-Qiang Zhang "Authorship and date of two family-group names in the Trombidiidae (Acariformes: Parasitengona)," Systematic and Applied Acarology 16(2), 192, (15 June 2011).
Accepted: 1 May 2011; Published: 15 June 2011
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