The 15th International Congress of Acarology (ICA) was successfully held from 2–8 September in Antalya, Turkey. The theme of the Congress was “The Acari: very small but impossible to deny!”. Impossible to deny indeed were mites and ticks during the four days of the scientific programmes— 270 delegates from 45 countries were immersed in the world of Acari in 190 oral presentations and 89 posters which were organized into six keynote lectures, four symposia (Ticks and tick-borne diseases, Parasitic and free-living mites of medical and veterinary importance, Invasive species and biosecurity, and Mite-plant interactions) and ten contributed sections (Mites of medical importance, Ecology and behaviour of mites, Taxonomy and systematics, Evolution and phytogeny, Biological control, Mite-plant interactions, Soil acarology, Biodiversity, Alternative pesticides, Chemical control and resistance). There was a relaxing mid-congress break with a technical tour to Batí Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute in the morning and a social tour to the magnificent Aspendos Antique Theatre in the afternoon.
During the opening ceremony, Prof Sebahat K. Ozman-Sullivan—President, XV ICA 2018— welcomed the delegates. This was followed by a presentation by Dr Ferit Turanli—President, Entomological Society of Turkey. The Secretary of the International Executive Committee (IEC)— Prof Peter Schausberger—presented a movie in memory of lost colleagues; it was a moving moment. On behalf of the Systematic and Applied Acarology Society, I announced the winners of the inaugural round of the James Allen McMurtry Award for outstanding contributions to acarology (see Zhang 2018 for more information about this award): Prof Gerald W. Krantz of USA (see Walter & Halliday 2018 for a biography) and Dr Evert E. Lindquist of Canada (see Beaulieu & Behan-Pelletier 2018 for a biography).
During the General Assembly in the closing ceremony, Prof Ozman-Sullivan presented student awards. Prof Schausberger announced the new membership of the IEC (2018–2022). He proposed that Eternal Members be added to the ICA to accommodate deceased ICA Honorary Life Members; this proposal was accepted by the General Assembly. He also announced the three bidders for hosting the 16th ICA in 2022 and the winner—Auckland, New Zealand. On behalf of the New Zealand delegation, I delivered a presentation to welcome acarologists of the world to meet again in Auckland in 2022.
The venue of the 15th ICA, Topkap1 Palace Hotel Antalya, provided an excellent facility and environment for an efficient and enjoyable congress. Prof Ozman-Sullivan and her Scientific Secretariat (Gregory Sullivan and local support staff) are highly commended for organising a successful congress.