We describe and illustrate Besleria discreta, a new species from the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo. The new species has been found in a mountainous area in the southern part of the state and can be recognized by leaf blades that are slightly bullate on the adaxial surface and a short corolla. We also report the occurrence of two species that have not previously been recorded in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil: Besleria concinna and Besleria neblinae. Data on morphology, ecology, distribution, and preliminary conservation status of the three taxa are also provided.
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14 November 2019
A New Species and Two New Records of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from Brazil
Gabriel E. Ferreira,
Andréa O. Araujo,
Michael G. Hopkins,
Alain Chautems
Systematic Botany
Vol. 44 • No. 4
August 2019
Vol. 44 • No. 4
August 2019
Amazon Rainforest
Atlantic forest
Besleria discreta