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Officers and Editors

President: James A. Kushlan, P.O. Box 2008, Key Biscayne, Florida 33148, USA (

President-Elect: Erica H. Dunn, Canadian Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Research Centre, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H3, Canada (

Vice-President: Alan H. Brush, 92 High Street, Mystic, Connecticut 06355, USA (

Secretary: M. Ross Lein, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada (

Treasurer: Jeffrey D. Brawn, Shelford Vivarium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 606 East Healey Street, Champaign, Illinois 61820, USA (

Editor of The Auk: Spencer G. Sealy, Department of Zoology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2, Canada (

Editor of Ornithological Monographs: John R. Faaborg, 110 Tucker Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211, USA (

Elective Councilors and Living Past Presidents

2005: Bette A. Loiselle, Jeffrey S. Marks, Erica Nol. 2006: Peter P. Marra, Kathy Martin, Patricia G. Parker. 2007: Terrell D. Rich, Thomas W. Sherry, Kimberly A. Sullivan.

Past Presidents: Harold F. Mayfield (1966–68), Robert W. Storer (1970–72), Wesley E. Lanyon (1976–78), Harrison B. Tordoff (1978–80), Frances C. James (1984–86), Glen E. Woolfenden (1988–90), Brina Kessel (1992–94), Richard C. Banks (1994–96), Frank B. Gill (1998–2000), John W. Fitzpatrick (2000–02), Fred Cooke (2002–04).

Instructions to Contributors

The Auk publishes original reports on the biology of birds. Appropriate topics include documentation, analysis, and interpretation of laboratory and field studies, theoretical or methodological developments, and reviews of information or ideas. Authors are encouraged to write papers from the perspective of general concepts and theories, and to consider the relevance of their findings to taxa in addition to birds. The Auk publishes a color cover with each issue; authors are encouraged to submit suitable color illustrations. Contributions are welcomed throughout the world but must be written in English. Submissions must be made electronically online through Rapid Review at Suitable electronic text file formats include MS Word, WordPerfect, RTF, PDF, PostScript or PDF from TeX or LaTeX. Suitable graphic formats include TIFF, EPS, PostScript, PDF, and PowerPoint. Mixed text and graphics are acceptable in PostScript, PDF, and MS Word or WordPerfect with embedded graphics formats. For more detailed instructions please visit Paying close attention to detail will help expedite the processing of your manuscript. For assistance with the Rapid Review system, please contact the Editorial Office. Individuals with limited or no access to electronic submission should contact the Editor directly.

"The Council for 2004–2005," The Auk 122(1), 388, (1 January 2005).[0388:TCF]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 January 2005
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