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The review process is essential to the maintenance of high scientific standards in a journal. The efforts of individual reviewers are remarkable, and we take this opportunity to acknowledge publicly those who contributed reviews during the period that Volume 126 was in preparation (reviews completed between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2009). Individuals who reviewed two or more manuscripts are signified by an asterisk. We also acknowledge the hard work of the Associate Editors, listed on the inside of the front cover of The Auk, whose impartial assessments of the manuscripts and the reviewers' comments provided the basis for their recommendations to the Editor. Memorials and book reviews were solicited and managed by Alan H. Brush and R. Todd Engstrom, respectively.

David A. Aborn, Josh Adams, David Ainley*, José Luis Alcantara, Cameron L. Aldridge, Mathew W. Alldredge*, Douglas Altshuler, Marina Anciaes, Angela D. Anders, David E. Andersen, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, José M. Aparicio, Peter Arcese, Todd W. Arnold, Beatriz Arroyo, Robert A. Askins*, Ian Ausprey, Suzanne H. Austin, Jesús M. Avilés, Alexander Badyaev, Shannon S. Badzinski*, Vittorio Baglione, Patricia Baird, Franz Bairlein, Allan J. Baker, Myron C. Baker, Lisa T. Balance, Bart Ballard, Barbara Ballentine, Thorsten J. S. Balsby, G. Thomas Bancroft, Jonathan Banks, F. Keith Barker, John M. Bates, Ulf Bauchinger, Greg S. Baxter, Erin M. Bayne, Benjamin H. Becker, Doug Bell, Douglas F. Bertram*, Keith L. Bildstein*, Jeffrey M. Black*, Peter Blancher, Guillermo Blanco, Jacques Blondel, Clint W. Boal, Carl E. Bock*, Giuseppe Bogliani, Douglas Bolger, Eric K. Bollinger*, Kimberly S. Bostwick*, Carlos A. Botero, Rauri C. Bowie, Reed Bowman, Michael J. Braun, Leonard A. Brennan, Andre R. Breton, Gwenda L. Brewer, David R. Brown*, M. Ralph Browning, Alan H. Brush, Pawel Brzek, Stephen T. Buckland, Theresa M. Burg, Alan E. Burger*, Kevin J. Burns, Edward H. Burtt, Jr.*, Jan Ove Bustnes, Luke K. Butler, Bruce E. Byers*, G. Vernon Byrd, Carlos Daniel Cadena, Renato Caparroz, Michael D. Carey, Matthew Carling, Matthew T. Carrano, Phillip Cassey, Anna Chalfoun, Nikita Chernetsov, Zachary A. Cheviron*, Johanna Choo, Andrew Cockburn*, Emily B. Cohen*, Brian T. Collins, Sarah Converse, Courtney J. Conway, Evan Cooch, Caren B. Cooper, Robert Cooper, Joel L. Cracraft, Daniel A. Cristol, Timothy M. Crowe, James Dale, Peter Dann, Stephen K. Davis*, Peter De Knijff, André Desrochers, Jean-Michel DeVink, Kenneth P. Dial, Duane R. Diefenbach, Robert Diehl, Stephen J. Dinsmore, Paul F. Doherty, Jr.*, Amy C. Dolan, Jose A. Donazar, Therese M. Donovan, Stephanie M. Doucet, Victoria J. Dreitz, Mark C. Drever, Kevin W Dufour, Erica H. Dunn, Peter O. Dunn, Renata Duraes, Emily H. DuVal, Gareth J. Dyke, John McA. Eadie, William R. Eddleman, Scott V. Edwards, Hugh I. Ellis, Robert W. Elner, Chris S. Elphick, Craig R. Ely*, Andrzej Elzanowski, Steven D. Emslie, R. Michael Erwin*, Daniel Esler, Matthew A. Etterson, Randall Eubank, William R. Evans, David C. Evers, Daphne J. Fairbairn, Andrew Farnsworth, Bradley C. Fedy, Gustavo J. Fernandez, Esteban Fernandez-Juricic, Miguel Ferrer*, Jordi Figuerola*, Karen N. Fischer, Ryan J. Fisher, Jon Fjeldså*, P. A. (Trish) Fleming, Robert J. Fletcher, Paul L. Flint, Travis H. Folk, Scott Forbes, Anna M. Foreman, Francois Fournier, Thord Fransson, James D. Fraser, Peter C. Frederick*, Victoria L. Friesen, Adam Fudickar, Robert W. Furness, Karen Gaines, Lenny Gannes, Dany Garant*, Jaime Garcia-Moreno, Sidney A. Gauthreaux, Jr.*, Daniel D. Gibson, Robert M. Gibson, Sharon A. Gill, Jean-Francois Giroux, Barbara Glassey, Andrew G. Gosler, Patricia A. Gowaty, Catherine Graham, Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor, Brian R. Gray, Russell S. Greenberg, Jon S. Greenlaw, Tomas Grim*, Joseph A. Grzybowski, Carola A. Haas, Christian A. Hagen, Steffen Hahn, Daniel Hanley, Ian Hartley, Bradley Hartman Bakken, Scott A. Hatch, David A. Haukos, Kirsten R. Hazier, Julie A. Heath*, Percy N. Hébert, Dennis M. Heisey, Shandelle M. Henson, Fritz Hertel*, James E. Hines, Keith A. Hobson, David Hof, Christopher Hofmann, William L. Hohman, Rebecca L. Holberton, Dominique G. Homberger, Jeffrey P. Hoover, Richard L. Hutto, Lawrence D. Igl*, Darren E. Irwin*, Kamal Islam, Morton L. Isler, Jerome A. Jackson, Fabian M. Jaksic*, Andrew B. Johnson, Kevin P. Johnson, Kristine Johnson, L. Scott Johnson*, Matthew Johnson*, Oscar W. Johnson, Todd E. Katzner*, Jeffrey F. Kelly, Eric L. Kershner, A. Marm Kilpatrick, Daniel H. Kim*, David King, Drew King, Kirk C. Klasing, Patrick M. Kleeman, Anna H. Koetz, Mathias Kölliker, David N. Koons*, Nicola Koper, Ken Kraaijeveld, Donald E. Kroodsma, Meade Krosby, Oliver Kruger, James A. Kushlan, David C. Lahti, Marcel M. Lambrechts, Michael A. Larson, John Lazarus, Matthieu Le Corre, M. Ross Lein, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Matthias Leu, Douglas J. Levey*, Shou-Hsien Li, William Link, Mark Liu, John D. Lloyd, Penn Lloyd, Michael P. Lombardo, Jason D. Lustier*, Scott Macdougall-Shackleton, Bettina Mahler, Lisa Mahon, Mark Mallory*, Nigel Mann, Jeffrey S. Marks, Peter P. Marra, Carl D. Marti, Kathy Martin, Larry D. Martin, Juan G. Martinez, Carlos Martinez del Rio, John M. Marzluff, Kevin G. McCracken*, Kevin J. McGowan, Gary D. Miller, Matthew J. Miller, Rhonda Millikin, Anders P. Møller*, Pat Monaghan, Robert D. Montgomerie, Frank R. Moore, Julie Morand-Ferron, Juan Moreno, Yoshihisa Mori, Sara R. Morris, Michael L. Morrison, Dana Moseley*, Michael T. Murphy, Troy G. Murphy, Ruedi Nager, Douglas A. Nelson, James D. Nichols, Ryan M. Nielson, Neal D. Niemuth, Erica Nol*, Paul Nolan*, Erin L. O'Brien*, Brian J. Olsen, Olof Olsson, Alan Ong Han Kiat, Kathleen M. O'Reilly*, Tomasz S. Osiejuk, Kenneth A. Otter, Jennifer C. Owen, Sara J. Oyler-McCance*, Timothy H. Parker, Cynthia Paszkowski, Peter W. C. Paton, Eben H. Paxton, John M. Pearce, Craig M. Pease*, Grey W. Pendleton, Bruce Peter-john, Jeffrey L. Peters*, Margaret R. Petersen*, A. Townsend Peterson, John F. Piatt, Raymond Pierotti, Theunis Piersma, David W. Podlesak*, Paula Posadas, David Post*, Jaime Potti, Larkin Powell, Vladimir Pravosudov, J. Jordan Price, Trevor D. Price*, Heather C. Proctor, Jouke Prop, Gregory S. Pryor, Peter Pyle, Carolyn Pytte*, Jorge L. Pérez-Emán, Hannu Pöysa, Thomas W. Quinn, Marilyn Ramenofsky, Christoph Randier, John H. Rappole*, J. Michael Reed, Wendy L. Reed, J. Van Remsen, Jr., Jeroen Reneerkens, Katherine Renton, Pedro Rey, S. James Reynolds, Christine A. Ribic, Robert E. Ricklefs, Jason D. Riddle, Scott K. Robinson, Daniel D. Roby, Robert F. Rockwell, Sievert Rohwer*, Robert N. Rosenfield, Eiven Røskaft, Jay J. Rotella, Stephen I. Rothstein, Margaret A. Rubega, Thomas B. Ryder, Michel Saint Jaime, Jose Antonio Sanchez Zapata, Nir Sapir, John R. Sauer, Jean-Pierre L. Savard, Martin Schaefer, Jorge Schondube, Thomas S. Schulenberg, Sara Schweitzer, Mark E. Seamans, William A. Searcy, Nathalie Seddon, Philip J. Seddon*, Cagan Sekercioglu*, Fabrizio Sergio*, Scott A. Shaffer, Matthew D. Shawkey, Daizaburo Shizuka*, W Gregory Shriver, David Shutler, Kjell Sjoberg, Brian T. Smith, Mark D. Smith, Robert J. Smith, Judit E. Smits, Jill A. Soha*, Michael D. Sorenson, Garth M. Spellman*, Tracey Spoon, Josh Stafford, Mark Stanback*, Juan Pedro Steibel, Ian Stewart*, Bård G. Stokke, Jeffrey A. Stratford, Bill M. Strausberger*, Allan Strong, Robert M. Suryan, David L. Swanson, John Y. Takekawa, Keith Tarvin, Ethan J. Temeles, Wayne E. Thogmartin*, Bill Thompson, Charles F. Thompson, Christopher W. Thompson, Jonathan E. Thompson, Frank R. Thompson III, Vallo Tilgar, Roxana Torres, Douglas C. Tozer, Ana Trejo, Pablo Tubaro, Dan Twedt, Todd J. Underwood, Rachel Vallender, Arie J. Van Noordwijk, James C. Vanden Berge, Natasha Vanderhoff, Jose P. Veiga, Yvonne I. Verkuil, Peter D. Vickery*, Andrew C. Vitz, Eric L. Walters, Jeffrey R. Walters, Shiway W. Wang, Ian G. Warkentin, Nils Warnock, Patrick J. Weatherhead, Jason D. Weckstein, Nathaniel T. Wheelwright*, Gary C. White, Andrew Whitehead, R. Haven Wiley, Herb Wilson, Scott D. Wilson*, Kathy Winnett-Murray, Maiken Winter*, Christopher C. Witt*, Larry L. Wolf, Stefan Woltmann, Petra B. Wood, Ronald D. Wooller, Michael B. Wunder, Ken Yasukawa, Yoram Yom-Tov, Shinya Yoshioka, Tamaki Yuri, Liana Y. Zanette*, Kevin J. Zimmer, and Robert M. Zink*.

© 2009 by The American Ornithologists' Union. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press's Rights and Permissions website,
"Reviewers for the Auk 2009," The Auk 126(4), 945-946, (1 October 2009).
Published: 1 October 2009
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