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1 June 2004 The Usnea Species of Morocco in R.-G. Werner's Herbarium
Najat Azami, Estela Seriñá, Rosario Arroyo
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We studied the chemistry and morphology of the Moroccan Usnea collections in R.-G. Werner's herbarium (bc-Herb.Werner). Seven taxa we believe have now been correctly identified and the collections annotated: Usnea dasaea, U. esperantiana, U. glabrata (undetected by Werner), U. lapponica, U. subscabrosa, U. substerilis, and U. wasmuthii. Among these taxa, Usnea dasaea, U. esperantiana, U. glabrata, U. subscabrosa, and U. wasmuthii are here reported from Morocco for the first time. The nomenclature of an additional three taxa has been updated: Usnea filipendula, U. mutabilis, and U. subfloridana. Five taxa have been excluded because they were misidentified: Usnea articulata var. intestiniformis, U. ceratina var. subceratina, U. florida subsp. pseudostrigosa, U. fulvoreagens, and U. hirta. Intraspecific chemical variability was found in Usnea subfloridana and U. substerilis. The specificity of lichen substances is shown to be an essential tool for the identification of Usnea species, and the value of morphological characteristics in the delimitation of the species is discussed.

Najat Azami, Estela Seriñá, and Rosario Arroyo "The Usnea Species of Morocco in R.-G. Werner's Herbarium," The Bryologist 107(2), 180-188, (1 June 2004).[0180:TUSOMI]2.0.CO;2
Received: 5 November 2003; Accepted: 1 February 2004; Published: 1 June 2004
historical collection
Rif mountains
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