A synopsis of the genus Gomphillus in the Americas is presented, with the description of the new species, G. pedersenii L. I. Ferraro & Lücking, from Argentina. The new species is characterized by pale, vertically elongate apothecia, rather broad ascospores, and umbelliform hyphophores. With the exclusion of G. caribaeus W. R. Buck, which belongs in a new genus, Bryogomphus, in the Pilocarpaceae, and the recent discovery of another new species, G. morchelloides Lücking & Sérus., the genus Gomphillus now comprises five species. All taxa are keyed out and briefly discussed, and a distribution map for the Americas is given.
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1 December 2005
The Genus Gomphillus (Ostropales: Gomphillaceae) in the Americas, with the New Species Gomphillus pedersenii from Argentina
Lidia I. Ferraro,
Robert Lücking
The Bryologist
Vol. 108 • No. 4
Winter 2005
Vol. 108 • No. 4
Winter 2005