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7 July 2017 Fissidens manilalia sp. nov. (Fissidentaceae), a new corticolous species from a semi-urban habitat in India
K. M. Manjula, C. N. Manju, K. P. Rajesh
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Fissidens manilalia sp. nov. (Fissidentaceae), a corticolous species belonging to the subgenus Aloma is described and illustrated from a human influenced habitat in the lowlands of Kerala, India. It is also compared with the related taxa F. bogoriensis M.Fleisch and F. flabellulus Thwaites & Mitt. Challenges to the conservation of species in human influenced habitats in India are also discussed.

Copyright ©2017 by The American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.
K. M. Manjula, C. N. Manju, and K. P. Rajesh "Fissidens manilalia sp. nov. (Fissidentaceae), a new corticolous species from a semi-urban habitat in India," The Bryologist 120(3), 263-269, (7 July 2017).
Received: 6 January 2017; Accepted: 1 May 2017; Published: 7 July 2017
bryophyte taxonomy
human influenced habitat
new species
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