The purpose of this application, under Article 23.9.3 of the Code, is to conserve the name Ticinella primula Luterbacher, 1963, which is in prevailing use for a species of Early Cretaceous (Albian) planktonic foraminifera of the superfamily rotaliporoidea Sigal, 1958 (nom. correct. ex rotaliporacea). Since the middle 1960s this specific name has been extensively used as a zonal marker of the standard planktonic foraminiferal biochronology, in academic micropalaeontology and economic palaeontology, as well as various disciplines in Cretaceous palaeoenvironmental study. It is threatened by its senior subjective synonym Hedbergella yezoana Takayanagi & Iwamoto, 1962. For nomenclatural stability, the junior name primula should be conserved by suppressing the senior name yezoana.
Ticinella primula Luterbacher, 1963 (Foraminifera, Globigerinida, rotaliporoidea, rotaliporidae): proposed conservation of the specific name," The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 70(2), 71-74, (1 June 2013).