The following Cases are now closed:
Case 3810: Mastodon pentelici Gaudry, 1862 (currently Choerolophodon pentelici; Mammalia, Proboscidea): proposed conservation of the specific name as correct original spelling by suppression of Mastodon pentelicus Gaudry & Lartet, 1856. H. Zhang. (Acknowledgement of receipt published in BZN 76: 98; Case not published). Following discussion with the author, the Case is now closed.
Case 3816: Anisoscelis Berthold, 1827 (Insecta, Hemiptera, Coreidae): proposed conservation of existing usage by designating Lygaeus foliaceus Fabricius, 1803 as the type species. W. R. Dolling (Acknowledgement of receipt published in BZN 76: 166; Case not published). Following discussion with the author, the Case is now closed.
Case 3801 was closed in BZN 76: 207 with an erroneous title that read “Proposal to remove Dicynodon turpior Huene, 1935 (Synapsida: Dicynodontia) from the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology and place Dinodontosaurus pedroanum Tupi-Caldas, 1936 on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Specific Names in Zoology'. It should read ‘Procheneosaurus Matthew, 1920 and Tetragonosaurus Parks, 1931 (Archosauria, Ornithischia): request to set aside Opinion 193 and remove Procheneosaurus Official List of Generic Names in Zoology, and Tetragonosaurus from the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology'.