The purpose of this application, under Article 23.9.3 of the Code, is to conserve the specific name of the shovelhead worm, Magelona minutaEliason, 1962 (Annelida, Magelonidae), in the interest of nomenclatural stability. Magelona minuta is distributed from Scandinavia to West Africa and its name has appeared extensively in ecological and taxonomic works, polychaete guides and biodiversity reports. However, in 1959 Wilson had already described a variety of Magelona filiformisWilson, 1959 as M. filiformis minuta. Having been proposed prior to 1961, this trinomen is both the available name of a subspecies under Article 45.6.4 of the Code and a senior primary homonym of M. minutaEliason, 1962. Particularly for ecologists, the introduction of a new name for Eliason's well-known species would represent an undesirable disturbance to established nomenclature; therefore, suppression of M. filiformis minutaWilson, 1959 is proposed.
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30 December 2020
Case 3804 – Magelona minuta Eliason, 1962 (Annelida, Magelonidae): proposed conservation by suppression of Magelona filiformis minuta Wilson, 1959
Kate Mortimer,
Kimberley Mills
Magelona filiformis minuta
Magelona minuta
shovelhead worms