In Condor 107/4 (November 2005), the paper “Simultaneous multiple clutches and female breeding success in Mountain Quail,” by Jeffrey L. Beck et al., contained several miscalculations by the authors. The Results on p. 893, second paragraph, second sentence should read (corrections highlighted in boldface): “Of these eggs, 391 (64%) hatched.” and the last sentence should read “Forty-four of 435 eggs (10%) in successful nests did not hatch.” On p. 894, in the last paragraph of the Results, sentences 3–5 should read “Total egg production for paired females was 284 eggs with 208 (73%) hatching. Of the hatched eggs, males hatched 53% and females hatched 47%. All 12 females hatched an average of 17 chicks (range: 8–24) from both clutches…” In addition, in the final paragraph of the discussion, the citation for the (USDI Federal Register 2003) should have been for the (USDI Fish and Wildlife Service 2003). The authors regret these errors.

"Errata," The Condor 108(2), 483, (1 May 2006).[483:E]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 May 2006
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