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Ryan D. Carle, Jonathan J. Felis, Rodrigo Vega, Jessie Beck, Josh Adams, Verónica López, Peter J. Hodum, Andrés González, Valentina Colodro, Tiare Varela
Secondary contact and hybridization between recently diverged taxa have been increasing due to anthropogenic changes to the environment. Determining whether secondary contact leads to gene flow between species is important for understanding both the evolutionary consequences of such events (i.e. genetic swamping, speciation reversal, hybrid speciation) and for establishing proper conservation measures. Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), which natively have a Holarctic distribution, have been introduced nearly worldwide due to game-farm and domestic pet releases. Their expanding range has resulted in secondary contact and increased incidences of hybridization with many closely related Mallard-like ducks that comprise the Mallard complex. Here, we assay molecular diversity for 19 nuclear introns and the mitochondrial DNA for wild Mallards (n = 50) across their Holarctic range and Yellow-billed Ducks (n = 30–75; Anas undulata) from southern Africa to determine population genetic structure and test for evidence of Mallard introgression into Yellow-billed Ducks. While we found limited support for contemporary gene flow across nuclear markers, we provide evidence from mitochondrial DNA that best supports ancient gene flow between Yellow-billed Ducks and Mallards. Yellow-billed Ducks best fit a single population at nuclear markers but show some location-specific mtDNA structure that suggests recent founder or bottleneck events. Although we find that introgression from Mallards into Yellow-billed Duck is limited, Yellow-billed Duck populations should be monitored to determine if expanding feral Mallard populations in southern Africa are increasing introgression.
Many far-ranging species depend heavily on relatively small or temporary resources within a heterogeneous landscape. For waterfowl, most species rely on deep, permanent waterbodies as refugia from predators during annual flightless molt periods when synchronous loss and regrowth of the flight feathers occurs. The movements of ducks to and from molt sites are, however, poorly documented for most Afrotropical species and the dependencies of Afrotropical ducks on key sites are unclear, yet this information is integral to conservation and management efforts. We asked whether stable isotopes of wing feathers could be used to determine the molting origins of Afrotropical ducks in southern Africa. We analyzed isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen in feathers from 4 different species across 5 different sites (wetlands, ponds, lakes) in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Botswana. We observed differences among sites for all isotopes (P < 0.05), especially δ13C and δ15N. Based on these differences, we conducted linear discriminant function analysis (LDA) to assess the utility of these isotopes to assign birds to molt locations. We obtained a global classification accuracy = 0.59, although accuracies differed among sites. Our results demonstrate the potential of a multi-isotope approach to discriminate among specific molt locations and to provide an initial estimate of molt site. Rigorous documentation of molt site from wing feathers is plausible, but will require large sample sizes, extensive spatial coverage, and careful calibration.
Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia) are designated as Threatened in Canada, in part due to loss of natural breeding habitat along lakeshores and rivers. Excavation in sand and gravel pits (aka aggregate pits) has increased availability of potential nesting habitat away from lakes and rivers, and these substitute habitats may be important to stabilize the decline experienced by some Bank Swallow populations. Over 2 yr, we collected data on Bank Swallow reproductive success from 2 natural lakeshore habitat sites along bluffs of the north shore of Lake Ontario and 7 aggregate pits in southern Ontario, within 100 km of the lakeshore. Nests at the lakeshore habitat were initiated earlier than in aggregate pits, 8 days earlier in 2014 and 13 days earlier in 2015. Neither clutch size nor number of nestlings were different between the 2 habitat types. There were differences in the number of fledglings produced between the habitat types, with Bank Swallows nesting in aggregate pits raising more fledglings per successful nest. However, birds nesting in aggregate pits also had significantly more nests that raised no fledglings, even though eggs in those nests hatched. Breeding adults from aggregate pits were initially heavier than those from the lakeshore habitat, but their mass decreased significantly over the nesting season. Fledgling masses were not significantly different between habitat types. Parasite loads on fledgling Bank Swallows from aggregate pits were significantly lower than on fledglings from the lakeshore. These indicators suggest that aggregate pits can provide at least equivalent habitat for Bank Swallows to that provided by natural lakeshore habitat, making them potentially key for the recovery of this species in Ontario.
Water crises and endangered salmon are pressing environmental concerns influencing restoration decisions in the western United States. When instream restoration necessitates initial loss of riparian cover to restore floodplain function, a short-term goal to minimize harm to riparian-associated wildlife is a worthwhile benchmark. From 2012 to 2015, we examined short-term restoration success, as measured by territory characteristics and reproductive success in restored and reference sites, for 3 riparian bird species (Song Sparrow [Melospiza melodia], Yellow-breasted Chat [Icteria virens], and Yellow Warbler [Setophaga petechia]) along a 64 km stretch of the Trinity River, California. Territory size had the highest relative variable importance in sets of candidate models explaining territory density for all 3 species, and was inversely related to territory density for each. The effect of site type (i.e. restored vs. reference) in explaining territory density was least for Song Sparrow, greater for Yellow Warbler (for which density was 1.4 times greater on reference sites), and greatest for Yellow-breasted Chat (which were more than twice as dense on reference sites). While territory density and mean territory size were inversely related, we found no relationship between territory density or site type and mean productivity per nest, and nest success did not differ between restored and reference sites for any species. In combination, these results suggest that restoration has achieved short-term success as measured by reproductive success, but has not yet been fully successful in supporting similar territory densities as reference sites. In order to determine whether long-term restoration goals are fully achieved, future research should continue to measure density of the 3 focal species as vegetation on the replanted floodplains matures.
The Tricolored Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor) is a range-restricted, colonial-nesting species in decline. Colonies include tens of thousands of individuals that forage in the surrounding landscape, at times commuting miles between nesting and foraging grounds. We explored the role of landscape composition on colony occupancy and mapped core and potential spring foraging habitat in California, USA. We used observations of spring Tricolored Blackbird nesting colonies from 2008, 2011, and 2014 and characterized changes in the surrounding landscape during an extended drought. Then, we constructed occurrence and abundance models in order to map core foraging habitat across 4 ecoregions in California. Finally, we used simulated land cover changes to identify potential habitat under restoration scenarios. Across the 3 survey years, surface water declined over time at unoccupied colony locations but remained stable at occupied colony locations, confirming that permanent surface water was a critical feature of persistent Tricolored Blackbird colonies. Average percent cover of nearly all land cover types suitable for foraging, as well as frequency of dairies and median NDVI, were all higher in current or historical colony sites than elsewhere. The proportion of surrounding alfalfa, grasslands, and surface water were the elements of foraging habitat best able to predict Tricolored Blackbird early breeding season colony presence and colony size. Core foraging habitat covered over 6 million acres in the study region, but only 18% was occupied in 2014. This result suggests a need to study additional factors determining colony occurrence and persistence, such as landscape connectivity, distributions of nesting substrates, and risk from predators. The vast majority (93.1%) of Tricolored Blackbird core habitat occurred on private land; therefore, saving the species will require engagement and partnership with private landowners.
Many temperate bird species are breeding earlier in response to warming temperatures. We examined the effects of climate on breeding phenology and productivity in 19 populations across the range of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Dryobates borealis), an endangered species endemic to pine (Pinus spp.) forests in the southeastern United States. Red-cockaded Woodpeckers nested earlier in warmer springs and delayed nesting in wetter springs. Earlier nesting and larger group sizes resulted in higher productivity. Spring temperatures have warmed over time across the range, but this has not led to range-wide advances in nesting date over time. Coastal and northern populations have exhibited a trend of earlier nesting over time, but the response of inland populations has been variable, including some populations in which nesting has become later over time. Geographic patterns included high and increasing productivity at higher latitudes, and declining productivity in the southwestern portion of the range, suggesting a possible shift in acceptable climate conditions for the species. Earlier nesting over time was associated with increasing productivity at higher latitudes, while elsewhere earlier nesting over time was associated with declining or stable productivity, suggesting that populations differ in their ability to adjust to a changing climate. The Red-cockaded Woodpecker is a habitat specialist heavily reliant on habitat management and has little capacity to shift its range, so its long-term viability will depend on its ability to adjust in place to changing local conditions.
Pablo I. Plaza, Guillermo Wiemeyer, Guillermo Blanco, Pablo Alarcón, Dámaso Hornero-Méndez, José Antonio Donázar, José Antonio Sánchez-Zapata, Fernando Hiraldo, Jesús de la Rosa, Sergio A. Lambertucci
Volcanic eruptions produce health changes in animals that may be associated with emitted gases and deposited ashes. We evaluated whether the Puyehue–Cordón Caulle volcanic eruption in 2011 produced health changes in the threatened Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) living in the area most affected by the eruption, northwestern Patagonia. We studied clinical and biochemical parameters of condors examined before and after the eruption. We also examined concentrations of different metals and metalloids in the blood of individuals sampled after the eruption. The most common clinical abnormality associated with the eruptive process was irritating pharyngitis. In condors sampled after the eruption, blood concentrations of albumin, calcium, carotenoids, and total proteins decreased to levels under the reference values reported for this species. We found different chemical elements in the blood of these condors after the eruption, such as arsenic and cadmium, with the potential to produce health impacts. Thus, the health of Andean Condors was affected in different ways by the eruption; remaining in the affected area appears to have been costly. However, in comparison to other animal species, the health impacts were not as strong and were mainly related to food shortages due to the decrease in availability of livestock carcasses linked to the eruption. This suggests that condors dealt relatively well with this massive event. Future research is needed to evaluate if the health changes we found reduce the survival of this species, and if the cost of inhabiting volcanic areas has any ecological or evolutionary influence on the condor's life history.
Julianna M. A. Jenkins, Damon B. Lesmeister, Eric D. Forsman, Katie M. Dugger, Steven H. Ackers, L. Steven Andrews, Chris E. McCafferty, M. Shane Pruett, Janice A. Reid, Stan G. Sovern, Rob B. Horn, Scott A. Gremel, J. David Wiens, Zhiqiang Yang
Dispersal among breeding sites in territorial animals (i.e. breeding dispersal) is driven by numerous selection pressures, including competition and spatiotemporal variation in habitat quality. The scale and trend of dispersal movements over time may signal changing conditions within the population or on the landscape. We examined 2,158 breeding dispersal events from 694 male and 608 female individually marked Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) monitored over 28 yr on 7 study areas to assess the relative importance of individual (sex, experience), reproductive (annual productivity, mate availability), and environmental (forest alteration, presence of competitor) sources of variation in breeding dispersal distance. Median breeding dispersal distance was 3.17 km, with 99% of all breeding dispersal events <37 km. Mean annual dispersal distances increased by 2.43 km in Oregon and 9.40 km in Washington between 1990 and 2017, which coincided with increases in annual detections of nonnative Barred Owl (S. varia). Frequency of breeding dispersal events, both among and within individuals, also increased over time. Female owls moved farther than males (median of 3.26 and 3.10 km, respectively), and birds with less experience (territory tenure) moved farther than those with more experience. Owls that were single in the year prior to dispersal moved 13–31% farther than those paired prior to dispersal. The greatest environmental change occurring over the course of our study was the expansion of Barred Owl populations. Breeding dispersal distance was positively related to Barred Owls in the study area and disturbance within the originating territory. While it appears that social factors continue to be important drivers of breeding dispersal distance in Spotted Owls, increased competition from Barred Owls and habitat alteration have a contributing effect. Increased breeding dispersal distances should be of concern for conservation efforts and considered in population monitoring because changing dispersal behavior may lead to higher rates of mortality and/or emigration from historical study areas.
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