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1 November 2014 A new genus and a new species of scorpion (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from southeastern Mexico
Oscar F. Francke, Rolando Teruel, Carlos Eduardo Santibáñez-López
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Chaneke fogoso gen. nov. et sp. nov., are described based on specimens collected near the coast in southeastern Guerrero, Mexico. The genus is characterized by the peculiar rhomboidal shape of the subaculear tubercle, and the lack of at least one trichobothrium on the femur, patella and chela of the pedipalp, which make it the second known buthid genus with decreasing neobothriotaxy on those three pedipalpal segments, together with Alayotityus Armas 1973. Tityopsis aliciae Armas & Martin-Frias 1998, from Oaxaca, Mexico, is transferred to the new genus, resulting in Chaneke aliciae (Armas & Martin-Frias 1998), comb. nov. A cladistic analysis including all other New World “microbuthids” with decreasing neobothriotaxy, with 30 morphological characters, indicates that Chaneke is monophyletic, clearly distinct from Alayotityus Armas 1973 (from eastern Cuba) and Tityopsis Armas 1974 (from western Cuba).

The American Arachnological Society
Oscar F. Francke, Rolando Teruel, and Carlos Eduardo Santibáñez-López "A new genus and a new species of scorpion (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from southeastern Mexico," The Journal of Arachnology 42(3), 220-232, (1 November 2014).
Received: 8 May 2013; Accepted: 1 August 2014; Published: 1 November 2014
Decreasing neobothriotaxy
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