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1 August 2015 The chorion of eggs in a Namibian Ariadna species (Araneae: Segestriidae): morphological and SEM analyses
Erminia Conti, Giovanni Costa, Alessandro Marletta, Renata Viscuso, Danilo G. M. Vitale
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Morphological and SEM analyses were carried out on the chorion of freshly laid eggs, eggs at different time intervals after oviposition and after hatching of a Namibian segestriid spider Ariadna sp. The eggs laid in the laboratory are held together by a milky-white mucous secretion that gradually decreases until it almost entirely disappears. The eggs are spherical/ellipsoid in shape and, only after the reduction of the secretion, are granular structures of the exochorion evident. Granules are arranged in a single layer and lie on a compact endochorion covering the thin vitelline membrane. No significant difference was found in the chorion of hatched eggs compared to eggs a few hours after oviposition.

The American Arachnological Society
Erminia Conti, Giovanni Costa, Alessandro Marletta, Renata Viscuso, and Danilo G. M. Vitale "The chorion of eggs in a Namibian Ariadna species (Araneae: Segestriidae): morphological and SEM analyses," The Journal of Arachnology 43(2), 224-227, (1 August 2015).
Received: 18 December 2014; Published: 1 August 2015
chorion granules
egg envelopes
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