We tested individual distinctiveness, a prerequisite for individual recognition, in the songs of the suboscine Eastern Wood-Pewee (Contopus virens). Male Eastern Wood-Pewees produce two main song types: ‘pee-ah-wee’ and ‘wee-ooo’ songs. All song variables for both song types, including temporal and frequency variables, showed greater between than within individual variation. Thus, both song types contained the potential to code information on individual identity and quality. Pee-ah-wee songs were more variable than wee-ooo songs, and pee-ah-wee frequency variable measures were the most variable. We correctly assigned 97.5% of pee-ah-wee songs and 95.0% of wee-ooo songs to the bird of origin–demonstrating individual distinctiveness in both main song types.
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1 December 2011
Vocal Distinctiveness and Information Coding in a Suboscine with Multiple Song Types: Eastern Wood-Pewee
J. Alan Clark,
Justina Leung