We conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the Afrotropical mayfly family Ephemerythidae using PAUP* and MacClade. The subgenus Tricomerella Demoulin proved to be applicable to a clade of species with apomorphically reduced hind wings that includes the type species of Ephemerythus Gillies and therefore is placed into strict synonymy with Ephemerythus [= Tricomerella, n. syn.]. Limnokijara, n. gen., is described for the second clade within Ephemerythidae and includes the species L. kiboensis (Gillies), n. comb., and L. picta (Gillies), n. comb. Limnokijara is differentiated from Ephemerythus by the adult males having stout spines distally on the inner margin of genital forceps segment 1. Larvae associated with Ephemerythus, s.s., have enlarged apical spines on the maxilla and abdominal gills 6 present. Larvae associated with Limnokijara have reduced apical spines on the maxilla and gills 6 absent.