In this study, specimens belonging to the family Nabidae A. Costa, 1853 which were collected between 1961-2019 and preserved in the Nazife Tuatay Plant Protection Museum at the Directorate of Plant Protection Central Research Institute in the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, are examined. A total of twelve species are recorded. Among them Nabis (Nabis) ericetorum Scholtz, 1847 is a new record for the fauna of Türkiye. In addition, the known data on the distribution of all species in Turkey has been improved with new provincial and regional records. On the other side, while Nabis (Nabis) pseudoferus orientarius Remane, 1963 only distributes only Eastern and Southeastern Anatolian regions, Nabis (Nabis) pseudoferus pseudoferus Remane, 1949 is distributed in all regions of Türkiye (Fig. 46). Therefore, detailed studies are required at the meeting points of Nabis (Nabis) pseudoferus pseudoferus and N. (N.) pseudoferus orientarius. As a result of the study, a checklist and identification key all species of Nabidae in Turkey are given.
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3 May 2022
Checklist of the Turkish Nabidae with a New Record
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