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1 November 2003 Effect of weed growth stage and adjuvant on the efficacy of fomesafen and bentazon
Robin R. Bellinder, Marija Arsenovic, Denis A. Shah, Bradley J. Rauch
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The efficacies of bentazon and fomesafen in controlling annual weeds in dry and edible pod beans in New York State were investigated in greenhouse and field experiments. Dose responses to bentazon and fomesafen were studied for four weed species (ragweed, velvetleaf, eastern black nightshade, and hairy nightshade) under greenhouse conditions. Herbicides were applied at cotyledon to two-, two- to four-, and four- to six–true leaf stages, both with and without a crop oil concentrate (bentazon) or a nonionic surfactant (fomesafen). Field studies were conducted for 2 yr for all weed species except eastern black nightshade, for which no adequate field populations were found. Field studies confirmed greenhouse results, indicating that weed control could be improved by the use of an adjuvant, but there were exceptions. In general, adjuvant usage improved the efficacy of fomesafen more than it did with bentazon. The minimum rates of herbicide required for effective and consistent control was dependent on the particular combination of weed species, herbicide and its rate of application, growth stage at which the application was made, and adjuvant usage.

Nomenclature: Bentazon; fomesafen; common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. AMBEL; eastern black nightshade, Solanum ptycanthum Dun. SOLPT; hairy nightshade, Solanum sarrachoides Sendt. SOLSA; velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti Medic. ABUTH; dry and snap bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L.

Robin R. Bellinder, Marija Arsenovic, Denis A. Shah, and Bradley J. Rauch "Effect of weed growth stage and adjuvant on the efficacy of fomesafen and bentazon," Weed Science 51(6), 1016-1021, (1 November 2003).
Received: 21 March 2002; Accepted: 1 May 2003; Published: 1 November 2003
reduced herbicide rates
weed growth stage
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