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1 January 2013 Aminocyclopyrachlor Absorption, Translocation and Metabolism in Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
R. Bradley Lindenmayer, Scott J. Nissen, Philip P. Westra, Dale L. Shaner, Galen Brunk
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Field bindweed is extremely susceptible to aminocyclopyrachlor compared to other weed species. Laboratory studies were conducted to determine if absorption, translocation, and metabolism of aminocyclopyrachlor in field bindweed differs from other, less susceptible species. Field bindweed plants were treated with 3.3 kBq 14C-aminocyclopyrachlor by spotting a single leaf mid-way up the stem with 10 µl of herbicide solution. Plants were then harvested at set intervals over 192 h after treatment (HAT). Aminocyclopyrachlor absorption reached a maximum of 48.3% of the applied radioactivity by 48 HAT. A translocation pattern of herbicide movement from the treated leaf into other plant tissues emerged, revealing a nearly equal aminocyclopyrachlor distribution between the treated leaf, aboveground tissue, and belowground tissue of 13, 14, and 14% of the applied radioactivity by 192 HAT. Over the time-course, no soluble aminocyclopyrachlor metabolites were observed, but there was an increase in radioactivity recovered bound in the nonsoluble fraction. These results suggest that aminocyclopyrachlor has greater translocation to belowground plant tissue in field bindweed compared with results from other studies with other herbicides and other weed species, which could explain the increased level of control observed in the field. The lack of soluble metabolites also suggests that very little metabolism occurred over the 192 h time course.

Nomenclature: Field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis L.; aminocyclopyrachlor.

Weed Science Society of America
R. Bradley Lindenmayer, Scott J. Nissen, Philip P. Westra, Dale L. Shaner, and Galen Brunk "Aminocyclopyrachlor Absorption, Translocation and Metabolism in Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)," Weed Science 61(1), 63-67, (1 January 2013).
Received: 10 May 2012; Accepted: 5 September 2012; Published: 1 January 2013
radiolabeled herbicide
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