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1 July 2004 Biennial Wormwood (Artemisia biennis) Early-Season Control with Herbicides
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Biennial wormwood has become a problem for soybean producers in the northern Great Plains of the United States. Research was conducted to evaluate control of biennial wormwood with preemergence (PRE) herbicides alone or followed by postemergence (POST) herbicides in 2000 and 2001 at Fargo, Leonard, and Wyndmere, ND. Favorable soil moisture conditions at Leonard resulted in continual emergence and greater densities of biennial wormwood, whereas the soil at Fargo and Wyndmere was dry and few biennial wormwood seedlings emerged at these locations. Biennial wormwood control with PRE herbicides was greater than 89% at Fargo and Wyndmere but was 80% or lower at Leonard. PRE biennial wormwood control was higher with flumetsulam than with sulfentrazone. When POST treatments were applied after PRE herbicides, biennial wormwood control 4 wk after treatment was 92% or better at Fargo and Wyndmere but was 76% or less at Leonard. The combination of PRE and POST herbicide treatments did not improve control greatly at Fargo or Wyndmere but at Leonard reduced the number of biennial wormwood plants.

Nomenclature: Flumetsulam; sulfentrazone; biennial wormwood, Artemisia biennis Willd. #3 ARTBI; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr.

Additional index words: Postemergence, preemergence, weed control, weed density.

Abbreviations: POST, postemergence; PPO, photoporphyrinogen oxidase; PRE, preemergence; WAT, weeks after treatment.

BRADLEY E. FRONNING and GEORGE O. KEGODE "Biennial Wormwood (Artemisia biennis) Early-Season Control with Herbicides," Weed Technology 18(3), 611-618, (1 July 2004).
Published: 1 July 2004
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