Limited information exists on sweet corn tolerance to postemergence (POST) applications of clopyralid under Ontario growing conditions. Eight sweet corn hybrids were evaluated for tolerance to clopyralid in three field experiments conducted in 2001 and 2002 in Ontario. Clopyralid was applied POST at 200 and 400 g ai/ha, the proposed and twice the proposed registered rate for use in sweet corn in Ontario. Sweet corn response to clopyralid did not vary among the hybrids tested. In 2001, visual injury among hybrids 7 d after treatment (DAT) with clopyralid at 400 g/ha was less than 3%. Subsequent visual injury evaluations at 14 and 28 DAT showed no differences among sweet corn hybrids at either rate of clopyralid evaluated. The application of clopyralid at 200 and 400 g/ ha had no detrimental effect on plant height or marketable yield of any of the eight sweet corn hybrids. On the basis of visual injury, height, and marketable yield response ‘Calico Belle’, ‘CNS 710’, ‘DelMonte 2038’, ‘GG 222’, ‘GG 246’, ‘GH 2684’, ‘Reveille’, and ‘Rival’ are all tolerant to the POST application of clopyralid.
Nomenclature: Clopyralid; sweet corn, Zea mays L.
Additional index words: Clopyralid, herbicide injury, sweet corn, sensitivity, tolerance.
Abbreviations: DAP, days after planting; DAT, days after treatment; POST, postemergence.