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1 October 2015 Weed Management in Transplanted Lettuce with Pendimethalin and S-Metolachlor
Ran N. Lati, Beiquan Mou, John S. Rachuy, Richard F. Smith, Surendra K. Dara, Oleg Daugovish, Steven A. Fennimore
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Few herbicides are available for use in lettuce and hand weeding is required for commercially acceptable weed control. More effective herbicides are needed. Here field evaluations of pendimethalin and S-metolachlor for weed control in transplanted lettuce are reported. Pendimethalin was evaluated PRE at rates between 0.6 and 6.7 kg ai ha−1, and POST at 1.1 and 2.2 kg ha−1. Both pendimethalin PRE and POST applications were safe to transplanted lettuce and provided similar weed control. Pendimethalin PRE at rates of 1.1 kg ha−1 and higher provided better weed control than the industry standard, pronamide at 1.3 kg ha−1. S-Metolachlor PRE was evaluated at rates between 0.6 and 5.6 kg ha−1. S-Metolachlor at rates up to 2.8 kg ha−1 caused little or no crop injury or yield reduction in transplanted lettuce, and S-metolachlor at rates of 1.4 kg ha−1 and higher improved weed control compared with pronamide at 1.3 kg ha−1. Pendimethalin and S-metolachlor are not labeled for transplanted lettuce, but we suggest that labeling be pursued at rates of 1.1 and 0.7 kg ha−1, respectively. Pendimethalin at 1.1 kg ha−1 applied PRE or POST improved weed control by 57 and 42%, respectively compared with pronamide. S-Metolachlor PRE at 0.7 kg ha−1 was less effective on weeds than pendimethalin, but maintained weed control level similar to pronamide. Pendimethalin and S-metolachlor have potential for use in transplanted lettuce production and provide alternatives to current transplanted lettuce herbicides.

Nomenclature: Pendimethalin; pronamide; S-metolachlor; lettuce, Lactuca sativa L. var.

Hay pocos herbicidas disponibles para uso en lechuga y esto hace que la deshierba manual sea requerida para un control aceptable de malezas a nivel comercial. Se necesitan herbicidas más efectivos. Aquí se reportan evaluaciones de campo de pendimethalin y S-metolachlor para el control de malezas en lechuga trasplantada. Se evaluó pendimethalin PRE en dosis entre 0.6 y 6.7 kg ai ha−1, y POST a 1.1 y 2.2 kg ha−1. Ambas aplicaciones, PRE and POST, fueron seguras en la lechuga trasplantada y brindaron un control de malezas similar. Pendimethalin PRE a dosis de 1.1. kg ha−1 o mayores brindaron mejor control de malezas que el estándar de la industria, pronamide a 1.3 kg ha−1. S-metolachlor PRE fue evaluado a dosis entre 0.6 y 5.6 kg ha−1. S-metolachlor a dosis de hasta 2.8 kg ha−1 causó poco o nada de daño y no redujo el rendimiento de la lechuga trasplantada, y S-metolachlor a dosis de 1.4 kg ha−1 o mayores mejoraron el control de malezas al compararse con pronamide a 1.3 kg ha−1. Pendimethalin y S-metolachlor no están registrados para lechuga trasplantada, pero nosotros sugerimos que se debe tratar de registrarlos a dosis de 1.1. y 0.7 kg ha−1, respectivamente. Pendimethalin a 1.1 kg ha−1 aplicado PRE o POST mejoró el control de malezas en 57 y 42%, respectivamente al compararse con pronamide. S-metolachlor PRE a 0.7 kg ha−1 fue menos efectivo para el control de malezas que pendimethalin, pero mantuvo el control de malezas a un nivel similar a pronamide. Pendimethalin y S-metolachlor tienen el potencial para ser usados en la producción de lechuga con trasplante y así brindar alternativas a los herbicidas actualmente disponibles en este cultivo.

Ran N. Lati, Beiquan Mou, John S. Rachuy, Richard F. Smith, Surendra K. Dara, Oleg Daugovish, and Steven A. Fennimore "Weed Management in Transplanted Lettuce with Pendimethalin and S-Metolachlor," Weed Technology 29(4), 827-834, (1 October 2015).
Received: 20 January 2015; Accepted: 1 July 2015; Published: 1 October 2015
Lettuce yield
weed control in transplanted lettuce
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