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16 September 2019 Survey reveals frequency of multiple resistance to glyphosate and dicamba in kochia (Bassia scoparia)
Eric P. Westra, Scott J. Nissen, Thomas J. Getts, Philip Westra, Todd A. Gaines
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Glyphosate-resistant (GR) kochia has been reported across the western and midwestern United States. From 2011 to 2014, kochia seed was collected from agronomic regions across Colorado to evaluate the frequency and distribution of glyphosate-, dicamba-, and fluroxypyr-resistant kochia, and to assess the frequency of multiple resistance. Here we report resistance frequency as percent resistance within a population, and resistance distribution as the percentage and locations of accessions classified as resistant to a discriminating herbicide dose. In 2011, kochia accessions were screened with glyphosate only, whereas from 2012 to 2014 kochia accessions were screened with glyphosate, dicamba, and fluroxypyr. From 2011 to 2014, the percentages of GR kochia accessions were 60%, 45%, 39%, and 52%, respectively. The percentages of dicamba-resistant kochia accessions from 2012 to 2014 were 33%, 45%, and 28%, respectively. No fluroxypyr-resistant accessions were identified. Multiple-resistant accessions (low resistance or resistant to both glyphosate and dicamba) from 2012 to 2014 were identified in 14%, 15%, and 20% of total sampled accessions, respectively. This confirmation of multiple glyphosate and dicamba resistance in kochia accessions emphasizes the importance of diversity in herbicide site of action as critical to extend the usefulness of remaining effective herbicides such as fluroxypyr for management of this weed.

Nomenclature: Dicamba; fluroxypyr; glyphosate; kochia, Bassia scoparia (L.) A.J. Scott

© Weed Science Society of America, 2019.
Eric P. Westra, Scott J. Nissen, Thomas J. Getts, Philip Westra, and Todd A. Gaines "Survey reveals frequency of multiple resistance to glyphosate and dicamba in kochia (Bassia scoparia)," Weed Technology 33(5), 664-672, (16 September 2019).
Received: 19 February 2019; Accepted: 8 June 2019; Published: 16 September 2019
Herbicide resistance
multiple resistant
resistance distribution
resistance frequency
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