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25 October 2024 Response of goosegrass, smooth crabgrass, and newly sprigged hybrid bermudagrass to postemergence herbicides
Navdeep Godara, Daewon Koo, Hannah Wright-Smith, Shawn D. Askew
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Postemergence (POST) herbicides that control troublesome weeds during hybrid bermudagrass establishment via sprigs are limited due to potential turfgrass phytotoxicity and herbicide-resistant weeds. Research experiments were conducted in Blacksburg, VA, and Hope, AR, in 2016 and 2023 to evaluate herbicide programs to control goosegrass and smooth crabgrass and the response of hybrid bermudagrass sprigs to POST herbicides applied 3 to 5 wk after establishment (WAE). Another study was conducted to assess the tolerance of ‘Latitude 36’, ‘Tahoma 31’, and ‘TifTuf’ hybrid bermudagrass sprigs to POST herbicides applied 4 to 5 WAE. Thiencarbazone + foramsulfuron + halosulfuron did not injure hybrid bermudagrass > 6% across four cultivars and a total of 10 site-yr but reduced goosegrass and smooth crabgrass cover equivalent to the best-performing treatments. Topramezone + metribuzin injured turfgrass > 25% at 14 d after treatment (DAT), but tank mixing with thiencarbazone + foramsulfuron + halosulfuron reduced injury by 5% to 22%. Quinclorac injured hybrid bermudagrass 17% to 58%, depending on site, which was more than most other treatments. Mesotrione-, quinclorac-, or topramezone-based programs injured hybrid bermudagrass and also reduced turfgrass cover, the dark green color index, and the normalized difference vegetation index, but turfgrass recovered by 28 DAT. Results suggest that turfgrass managers have a variety of herbicides that can control smooth crabgrass and goosegrass during hybrid bermudagrass sprig establishment, but the margin of selectivity is relatively low for mesotrione, quinclorac, and topramezone and may be dependent on herbicide rate or hybrid bermudagrass cultivar.

Nomenclature: Foramsulfuron; halosulfuron; mesotrione; metribuzin; quinclorac; thiencarbazone; topramezone; goosegrass, Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.; smooth crabgrass, Digitaria ischaemum (Schreb.) Schreb. ex Muhl.; hybrid bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. × Cynodon transvaalensis Burtt Davy

Navdeep Godara, Daewon Koo, Hannah Wright-Smith, and Shawn D. Askew "Response of goosegrass, smooth crabgrass, and newly sprigged hybrid bermudagrass to postemergence herbicides," Weed Technology 38(1), 1-9, (25 October 2024).
Received: 11 June 2024; Accepted: 28 July 2024; Published: 25 October 2024
problematic weeds
turfgrass establishment
turfgrass injury
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