VOL. 28 · NO. 3 | September 2008
John D. Dingell
Wetlands 28 (3), 551-552, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/0277-5212(2008)28[551:FWMFAS]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
Ned H. Euliss Jr., Loren M. Smith, Douglas A. Wilcox, Bryant A. Browne
Wetlands 28 (3), 553-562, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-154.1
KEYWORDS: wetland ecology, wetland processes, wetland science, wildlife management
Loren M. Smith, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Douglas A. Wilcox, Mark M. Brinson
Wetlands 28 (3), 563-577, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-155.1
KEYWORDS: case histories, ecosystem restoration, hydrogeomorphic setting
Douglas A. Wilcox
Wetlands 28 (3), 578-584, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/06-144.1
KEYWORDS: accredited wetland science and management major, education, training
Robin Van Meter, Larissa L. Bailey, Evan H. Campbell Grant
Wetlands 28 (3), 585-593, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-237.1
KEYWORDS: abundance estimation, adaptive cluster sampling, dual frame, vernal pools, Wetlands
Susan K. Skagen, Cynthia P. Melcher, David A. Haukos
Wetlands 28 (3), 594-604, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-84.1
KEYWORDS: contaminants, grass buffer, herbaceous buffer, infiltration, playa
Rachael G. Hunter, Stephen P. Faulkner, Kimberly A. Gibson
Wetlands 28 (3), 605-615, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-139.1
KEYWORDS: biogeochemistry, bottomland hardwoods, fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, heterotrophic microbial activity, readily mineralizable carbon, redox potential, wetland restoration
Teresa Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Pilar López Laseras
Wetlands 28 (3), 616-631, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-50.1
KEYWORDS: exchangeable cations, organic carbon, soil acidity, Soil salinity, Species similarity, tropical diversity, wetland
Kevin K. Moorhead, David W. Bell, Rachael N. Thorn
Wetlands 28 (3), 632-639, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-100.1
KEYWORDS: assessment periods, fen, hydroperiod, water table, wetland restoration
Emily Austen, Alan Hanson
Wetlands 28 (3), 640-655, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-170.1
KEYWORDS: mitigation sequence, wetland policy
Jere A. Boudell, Juliet C. Stromberg
Wetlands 28 (3), 656-665, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-133.1
KEYWORDS: arid region, floodplain, seed bank, vegetation
Susan G. Mortenson, Peter J. Weisberg, Barbara E. Ralston
Wetlands 28 (3), 666-675, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-142.1
KEYWORDS: Castor canadensis, Colorado River, herbivory, plant-animal interactions, Riparian vegetation, Salix, tamarisk
Aaron M. Boers, Joy B. Zedler
Wetlands 28 (3), 676-685, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-223.1
KEYWORDS: hydroperiod, internal eutrophication, invasive species, P release, phosphorus, Typha × glauca, water control structures, wetland
Shawn E. Liston, Susan Newman, Joel C. Trexler
Wetlands 28 (3), 686-694, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-224.1
KEYWORDS: benthic, Chironomidae, Everglades, Hyalella, periphyton, phosphorus
Florencia Rojas Molina, Susana José de Paggi
Wetlands 28 (3), 695-702, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-179.1
KEYWORDS: Chlorophyll-a, exotic species, high water, low water
Stefanie L. Whitmire, Stephen K. Hamilton
Wetlands 28 (3), 703-714, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/06-126.1
KEYWORDS: anaerobic respiration, denitrification, freshwater wetlands, iron reduction, Methanogenesis, sulfate reduction
Jeffrey D. Wood, Robert Gordon, Ali Madani, Glenn W. Stratton
Wetlands 28 (3), 715-723, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-163.1
KEYWORDS: agricultural wastewater, phosphorus management, surface flow
Steven Sleutel, Bram Moeskops, Willy Huybrechts, Annemie Vandenbossche, Joost Salomez, Sara De Bolle, David Buchan, Stefaan De Neve
Wetlands 28 (3), 724-734, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-105.1
KEYWORDS: Belgium, N mineralization, valley soils, water-filled pore space
Gijs Du Laing, Benjamin De Meyer, Erik Meers, Els Lesage, Annelies Van de Moortel, Filip M. G. Tack, Marc G. Verloo
Wetlands 28 (3), 735-746, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-103.1
KEYWORDS: cadmium, chromium, copper, flooding, inundation, lead, nickel, oxidation, Phragmites australis, Redox, reduction, sulfide, Trace element, zinc
Natalie Mladenov, Philippa Huntsman-Mapila, Piotr Wolski, Wellington R. L. Masamba, Diane M. McKnight
Wetlands 28 (3), 747-759, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-140.1
KEYWORDS: EEM, fluorescence index, humic substances, Okavango Delta, PARAFAC, SUVA
Amy Hunter, Nicole M. B. Morris, Céline Lafabrie, Just Cebrian
Wetlands 28 (3), 760-775, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/06-149.1
KEYWORDS: competition, Eutrophication, Gulf of Mexico, nutrient storage
Steven J. Hall, Roberto Lindig-Cisneros, Joy B. Zedler
Wetlands 28 (3), 776-792, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-231.1
KEYWORDS: dominance, haying, Mexico, non-timber forest products, species richness, Typha domingensis, wetland management
Craig A. Davis, Joseph R. Bidwell
Wetlands 28 (3), 793-805, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-156.1
KEYWORDS: cattle grazing, disking, mowing, prescribed burning, Rainwater Basin Region, wetland management
Ken Rutchey, Ted Schall, Fred Sklar
Wetlands 28 (3), 806-816, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-212.1
KEYWORDS: cattail, grid, mapping, phosphorus, photointerpret, restoration
Kevin A. Grace, Forrest E. Dierberg, Thomas A. DeBusk, John R. White
Wetlands 28 (3), 817-826, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-194.1
KEYWORDS: Decomposition, hypoxic, microbial biomass phosphorus, oxic, treatment wetlands
Nicholas J. Gotelli, Paula J. Mouser, Stephen P. Hudman, Sergio E. Morales, Donald S. Ross, Aaron M. Ellison
Wetlands 28 (3), 827-840, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-165.1
KEYWORDS: Atmospheric Deposition, Chamaedaphne calyculata, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, Sarracenia purpurea, Sphagnum
Julien Thébault, Tara S. Schraga, James E. Cloern, Eric G. Dunlavey
Wetlands 28 (3), 841-851, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-190.1
KEYWORDS: birds, dissolved oxygen concentration, ecosystem restoration, food webs, forage biota, net ecosystem metabolism, phytoplankton
Filiz Dadaser-Celik, Marvin E. Bauer, Patrick L. Brezonik, Heinz G. Stefan
Wetlands 28 (3), 852-865, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-182.1
KEYWORDS: ecosystems, hydrology, Irrigation, Landsat, Sultan Marshes, Water, Wetlands
Wenbo Luo, Fengbin Song, Yonghong Xie
Wetlands 28 (3), 866-873, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-225.1
KEYWORDS: Adaptation, growth, plant zonation, relative growth rate
Anthony T. Miller, Mark A. Hanson, James O. Church, Brian Palik, Shane E. Bowe, Malcolm G. Butler
Wetlands 28 (3), 874-881, (1 September 2008) https://doi.org/10.1672/07-58.1
KEYWORDS: Aquatic invertebrates, indicator species analysis, principal components analysis, seasonal forest wetlands, temporal variability
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