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25 August 2004 New and noteworthy bryophyte records for the flora of Yemen Additions to the Bryophyte Flora of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra 8.
Harald Kürschner, Philip Sollman
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Kürschner, H. & Sollman, P.: New and noteworthy bryophyte records for the flora of Yemen. Additions to the Bryophyte Flora of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra 8. — Willdenowia 34: 301–308. — ISSN 0511-9618; © 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.

Based on recent bryophyte collections eight new records are added to the bryophyte flora of mainland Yemen, increasing the number of known species to 133 (one hornwort, 39 liverworts, 93 mosses). First records for the Arabian Peninsula among the new findings are Archidium alternifolium (Archidiaceae) and Tuerckheimia svihlae (Pottiaceae), which are briefly described and illustrated.

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© 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Harald Kürschner and Philip Sollman "New and noteworthy bryophyte records for the flora of Yemen Additions to the Bryophyte Flora of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra 8.," Willdenowia 34(1), 301-308, (25 August 2004).
Published: 25 August 2004
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