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22 December 2004 Weeds of the traditional agriculture of Crete
Nicholas Turland, Dimitrios Phitos, Georgia Kamari, Pepy Bareka
Author Affiliations +

Turland, N., Phitos, D., Kamari, G. & Bareka, P.: Weeds of the traditional agriculture of Crete. — Willdenowia 34: 381–406. — ISSN 0511-9618; © 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.

The goal of this research project was to carry out a thorough floristic survey of weeds in the traditional agriculture of the South Aegean island of Crete, Greece. Fieldwork was carried out by the authors from 2.4.-7.5.2003. Fifty cultivated localities were surveyed, at which 2455 plant records and 483 herbarium gatherings were made. Living material was collected for cytological investigation at UPA. A relational database of the results (localities, taxa observed, herbarium specimens, living material) was created and is placed online as an  electronic supplement (wi.34.34206_supplemental_content.pdf). The collections and observations were critically evaluated, and a catalogue of the taxa recorded at each locality is provided here. Distributional notes are provided on significant records and selected weed species that are indicators of (obligate to) traditional agriculture.

See the PDF.



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© 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Nicholas Turland, Dimitrios Phitos, Georgia Kamari, and Pepy Bareka "Weeds of the traditional agriculture of Crete," Willdenowia 34(2), 381-406, (22 December 2004).
Published: 22 December 2004
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