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A list of botanists who have worked in Benin and made collections is provided. Biographical data, the number of samples gathered and the herbaria where the collections are deposited are given, so far as known. It becomes apparent that only few botanists have collected larger numbers of samples and that in Europe only few herbaria house a good collection from Benin.
E. J. Adjanohoun
V. Adjakidjè
M. R. A Ahyi
L. Aké Assi
A. Akoègninou
A. d'Almeida
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K. Boukef
M. Chadare
G. Cusset
K. Dramane
J. Eyme
J. Gassita
J. N. Gbaguidi
N. Goudote
E. Guinko
S. Houngnon
P. Issa Lo
A. Keita
H. V. Kiniffo
D. Kone-Bamba
A. Musampa Nseya
M. Saadou
T. Sodogandji
S. de Souza
A. Tchabi
C. Zinsou Dossa
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