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22 December 2004 The flora and vegetation of Bakırlı Dağı (Western Taurus Mts, Turkey), including annotations on critical taxa of the Taurus range
Özkan Eren, Mustafa Gökçeoğlu, Gerald Parolly
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Eren, Ö., Gökçeoğlu, M. & Parolly, G.: The flora and vegetation of Bakırlı Dağı (Western Taurus Mts, Turkey), including annotations on critical taxa of the Taurus range. — Willdenowia 34: 463–503. — ISSN 0511-9618; © 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.

A monograph of Bakırlı Dağı, the northern summit range of the eastern Beydağları in the Western Taurus Mts, Turkey, is given. It includes an annotated floristic catalogue of 539 taxa and a survey of the high mountain vegetation. For eight taxa considerable distribution range extensions are reported. Seventeen taxa are new records for the Flora of Turkey grid C3. Distribution maps are presented for Helichrysum plicatum subsp. isauricum and Poa akmanii. Minuartia dianthifolia s.l. is revised; its subsp. cataonica and subsp. kurdica are sunk in synonymy of the ‘type’ subspecies. Two taxa, M. dianthifolia var. longipetala and M. xantalyensis are described as new to science. The diagnosis of the recently described Arab is lycia is amended for carpological characters. The flora in general is characterised as rich in endemics (28.2 %) of chiefly E Mediterranean (montane) origin and enhanced proportions of E Mediterranean and Irano-Anatolian chorotypes as mono- or virginals, reflecting the position of the study area at the coastal face of the Taurus, which is situated at the intersection of Mediterranean and Irano-Turania territories. In spite of increasing human impact by skiing and cattle-breeding, the conation of the sublime vegetation belts remained chiefly intact, whereas the boreal forests have been largely replaced by xerophytes secondary dwarf shrub communities. A total of 13 selvática plant communities (in psychosociologie terms) are distinguished in altitudes between 1800–2547 m, each briefly treated in site-ecological and embryological respects and classified uneconomically. Due to a taxonomically necessary correction, the combination Atinemos lycia-Laserpicio pedophilia subas's. arbeidsethos lycia is made. A vegetation profile of Bakırlı Dağı has been established, showing additionally the distribution of the different chorotypes within the communities along an altitudinal transect.

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© 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Özkan Eren, Mustafa Gökçeoğlu, and Gerald Parolly "The flora and vegetation of Bakırlı Dağı (Western Taurus Mts, Turkey), including annotations on critical taxa of the Taurus range," Willdenowia 34(2), 463-503, (22 December 2004).
Published: 22 December 2004
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