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31 August 2005 A contribution to the vascular plant flora of Lower Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir, India)
Leoš Klimeš, Bernhard Dickoré
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Klimeš, L. & Dickoré, W. B.: A contribution to the vascular plant flora of Lower Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir, India). — Willdenowia 35: 125–153. — ISSN 0511-9618; © 2005 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem. doi:10.3372/wi.35.35110 (available via

A list of 355 vascular plants, including 324 indigenous, naturalized or escaping and 31 cultivated species, is provided for the Dha-Hanu area, Lower Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir, India). Previous floristic records from this remote high mountain area along the northern borders of India and Pakistan are scarce, but of the 45 species reported in literature 25 were not confirmed during the present study. Field work covered an altitudinal segment between c. 2750 and 4100 m along a section of the Indus valley from Khalsi to near the border with Pakistan. 18 species are new records to the flora of Ladakh. The phytogeographical significance of the study area is discussed, with a view of possible sampling artefacts due to the political border situation, while also indicating prominent floristic gradients.

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© 2005 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem
Leoš Klimeš and Bernhard Dickoré "A contribution to the vascular plant flora of Lower Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir, India)," Willdenowia 35(1), 125-153, (31 August 2005).
Published: 31 August 2005
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