Castañeda Noa, I.: Ouratea neuridesii (Ochnaceae), a new species from central Cuba [Novitiae florae cubensis 26]. — Willdenowia 38: 173–176. — ISSN 0511-9618; © 2008 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem. doi: 10.3372/wi.38.38111 (available via
Ouratea neuridesii is described as a species new to science, endemic to the mountains of Trinidad (Guamuhaya massif), central Cuba, and illustrated. It is easily distinguished from all other Cuban Ouratea species by its short, rigid branches and dense foliage as well as short, few-flowered paniculate inflorescences.
R. Berazaín Iturralde
2003: A new species of Ouratea (Ochnaceae) from Cuba [Novitiae florae cubensis 13]. — Willdenowia 33: 183–186. Google Scholar
R. Berazaín Iturralde
2006: Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of the Ochnaceae in the Greater Antilles. — Willdenowia 36: 455–461. [ CrossRef] Google Scholar