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1 July 2009 Aquilegia vulgaris var. speluncarum Lacaita (Ranunculaceae): an enigmatic columbine from the Campanian Apennines, S Italy
Emanuele Del Guacchio
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The name Aquilegia vulgaris var. speluncarum, for a little known rupicolous columbine described by Lacaita from the southern Apennines in 1911, is lectotypified and the taxon identified with A. champagnatii, a species described from Picentini massif in 1981. The relationship of the taxon and its diagnostic characters are briefly discussed. It is concluded that it is actually conspecific with A. ottonis and best recognized as a separate subspecies, for which the name A. ottonis subsp. speluncarum is validated.

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© 2009 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Emanuele Del Guacchio "Aquilegia vulgaris var. speluncarum Lacaita (Ranunculaceae): an enigmatic columbine from the Campanian Apennines, S Italy," Willdenowia 39(1), 63-68, (1 July 2009).
Published: 1 July 2009
Aquilegia champagnatii
Aquilegia ottonis
Mediterranean Region
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