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4 January 2010 Three new species of Heliamphora (Sarraceniaceae) from the Guayana Highlands of Venezuela
Andreas Fleischmann, Andreas Wistuba, Joachim Nerz
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Heliamphora uncinata, H. ciliata and H. huberi are described as species new to science and illustrated. They are compared with their putative relatives, ecological notes are included and an identification list for all specimens examined is appended. The petaloid tepals of H. uncinata bear nectaries in the basal half of their adaxial surface and it shares this feature with H. exappendiculata. This is the first record of nuptial nectaries for the genus Heliamphora.

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© 2009 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Andreas Fleischmann, Andreas Wistuba, and Joachim Nerz "Three new species of Heliamphora (Sarraceniaceae) from the Guayana Highlands of Venezuela," Willdenowia 39(2), 273-283, (4 January 2010).
Published: 4 January 2010
carnivorous plants
Heliamphora ciliata
Heliamphora huberi
Heliamphora uncinata
nuptial and extranuptial nectaries
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