The genus Axyris in the Himalayas and Tibet is revised and only two taxa are recognised: Axyris prostrata possesses an extensive distribution range throughout the Himalayas and Tibet; A. mira (= A. hybrida auct.), with a wider distribution in the Himalayan-Tibetan region, is described as a species new to science. The differences between A. mira and A. hybrida are given; both are geographically vicarious, with A. hybrida actually being distributed in Central Asia. A carpological analysis revealed the facultative presence of sclereids in the pericarp of the brown fruit of A. mira, a feature recognised as a peculiarity of the genus. No correctly identified specimens of A. amaranthoides were traced from the Himalayas or Tibet. General conclusions for the fruit anatomy of Axyris are discussed and a key to all accepted species of Axyris is presented.
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9 September 2011
Axyris (Chenopodiaceae s.str. or Amaranthaceae s.l.) in the Himalayas and Tibet
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Vol. 41 • No. 1
Jun 2011
Vol. 41 • No. 1
Jun 2011
Axyris hybrida
Axyris mira
Axyris prostrata
identification key