Investigation of type material of Chinese taxa of Saussurea revealed that the names S. erubescens, S. globosa, S. hypsipeta and S. polycolea var. acutisquama are frequently misapplied in the literature. As a consequence, S. acutisquama is described here as a species new to science, S. obvallata var. gymnocephala is lectotypified and raised to specific rank as S. gymnocephala, S. sorocephala var. glabrata is lectotypified and raised to specific rank as S. inversa and the concept of S. erubescens is amended. All four species are described and illustrated. S. nigrescens var. acutisquama, S. hypsipeta and S. quercifolia var. major are lectotypified. Earlier neotypifications of S. hypsipeta and S. paxiana are superseded by the rediscovery of original material.
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1 June 2011
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Vol. 41 • No. 1
Jun 2011
Vol. 41 • No. 1
Jun 2011
Flora of China
Hengduan Shan
Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Saussurea subgenus Amphilaena