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20 December 2011 Type material of names based on plants from Namibia collected by F. Schäfer and kept at the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, Görlitz (GLM)
Volker Otte, Birgit Fleischer, Alexandra Stoll, Siegfried Bräutigam
Author Affiliations +

The GLM herbarium collection houses vascular plant specimens from Namibia collected between 1909 and 1913 by Fritz Schäfer. Duplicates at Berlin-Dahlem (B) were partly destroyed during World War II, and further duplicates are known only in few cases at Zurich (Z) and Cape Town (NBG). At GLM we traced 27 type specimens of 20 validly published names, for eight of these names no further type material is known to have been preserved elsewhere. We typify the names involved and designate Schäfer specimens preserved at the herbaria GLM or B, respectively, as lectotypes for Abutilon schaeferi, Anthericum apicicolum, A. diphyllum, A. glutinosum, Aster schaeferi, Gnidia suavissima, Hermannia seitziana, Lachenalia klinghardtiana, Lebeckia cinera var. schaeferi, Oldenlandia schaeferi, Pelargonium grandicalcaratum, P. squarrosum, Solanum schaeferi and Viscum schaeferi, and a Dinter specimen preserved at NBG for Pelargonium mirabile.

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© 2011 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Volker Otte, Birgit Fleischer, Alexandra Stoll, and Siegfried Bräutigam "Type material of names based on plants from Namibia collected by F. Schäfer and kept at the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, Görlitz (GLM)," Willdenowia 41(2), 251-260, (20 December 2011).
Published: 20 December 2011
flowering plants
Moritz Kurt Dinter
southern Africa
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