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20 December 2011 Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VII.
Ralf Hand
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Continuing a series of miscellaneous contributions by various authors, the seventh instalment includes information about 76 taxa focussing on the taxonomy, chorology and ecology of the Cyprus flora. One taxon is new to science, Papaver paphium, and the new combinations Maresia nana var. glabra, Papaver cyprium and Rosa micrantha subsp. chionistrae are published. Several taxa are reported as new to the island, e.g. Centaurea calcitrapa subsp. calcitrapa, Euphorbia hypericifolia, E. maculata, E. prostrata, E. serpens subsp. serpens, Lathyrus clymenum, Lysimachia dubia, Marsilea aegyptiaca and Silene noctiflora. Chromosome numbers of Bupleurum trichopodum, Papaver cyprium and Silene gemmata have been confirmed; the chromosome number of the new species Papaver paphium is also given. A key to the species of Euphorbia subg. Chamaesyce occurring in Cyprus is provided.

See the PDF.



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© 2011 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Ralf Hand "Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VII.," Willdenowia 41(2), 341-355, (20 December 2011).
Published: 20 December 2011
Chromosome numbers
Euphorbia sect. Chamaesyce
vascular plants
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