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1 November 2010 Mating Patterns of Minshan's Toad (Bufo minshanicus) from Three Populations along an Altitudinal Gradient
Tong Lei Yu, Xin Lu
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The large-male mating advantage and size-assortative mating are two different size-based patterns, which deviate from random mating in toads. These two pairing patterns may arise due to female choice, male—male competition, male choice, or a combination of these. This study investigated the mating system of Minshan's toad (Bufo minshanicus) from three populations along an altitudinal gradient during two breeding reasons in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. Our study shows that males found in amplexus with females were larger on average than non-amplectant males in two sites with higher operational sex ratios. Similarly, in those sites, males and females found in amplexus maintained an optimal size ratio. These data suggest that male—male competition leads to size-assortative mating in the lack of mate choice (female and male mate choice) by Minshan's toad, as larger males performed higher frequencies for taking-over other low quality ones with amplectant females.

© 2010 Zoological Society of Japan
Tong Lei Yu and Xin Lu "Mating Patterns of Minshan's Toad (Bufo minshanicus) from Three Populations along an Altitudinal Gradient," Zoological Science 27(11), 856-860, (1 November 2010).
Received: 27 January 2010; Accepted: 1 June 2010; Published: 1 November 2010
Bufo minshanicus
mating system
sexual selection
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