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1 December 2001 Spatial and Temporal Relations between the Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria and the Red-Backed Shrike Lanius collurio in the Wielkopolska Region (W Poland)
Stanisław Kuźniak, Jan Bednorz, Piotr Tryjanowski
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The Red-backed Shrike and the Barred Warbler are a pair of species engaged in breeding association. Whilst the arrival time of both species from their wintering grounds was not correlated, they differed in median arrival time by only one day. The majority of the Barred Warbler territories were located within those of the Red-backed Shrike, in both forest and farmland plots. Both species differed significantly in their selection of nest sites, at least in farmland. Unlike to the Red-backed Shrike (n = 297), the Barred Warbler (n = 60) preferred blackberry bushes and small deciduous thornless shrubs, and avoided elder, coniferous and hawthorn. The Barred Warbler nests were placed significantly lower than those of the Red-backed Shrike. The results show that no special ecological relationships exist as was suggested in earlier papers for other areas.



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Stanisław Kuźniak, Jan Bednorz, and Piotr Tryjanowski "Spatial and Temporal Relations between the Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria and the Red-Backed Shrike Lanius collurio in the Wielkopolska Region (W Poland)," Acta Ornithologica 36(2), 129-133, (1 December 2001).
Received: 1 March 2001; Accepted: 1 August 2001; Published: 1 December 2001
Barred Warbler
Lanius collurio
nest sites
Red-backed Shrike
Sylvia nisoria
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