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1 July 2006 Reaction to Playback and Density Estimations of Syrian Woodpeckers Dendrocopos syriacus in Agricultural Areas of South-Eastern Poland
Jerzy Michalczuk, Monika Michalczuk
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The numbers and density of Syrian Woodpeckers were estimated in a synanthropic environment in an area of 238 km2 in SE Poland during 2003–2005. The combined cartographic method together with voice stimulation (playback) was used during the study. The birds' reaction to the playback was also assessed. It was found that the woodpeckers reacted most strongly to voice stimulation in March and April, which led to a high rate of discovering breeding sites during this period. During the breeding period (May-June) the birds reacted less strongly to playback, which significantly decreased our ability to find their territories. The woodpeckers most often reacted to vocal provocation by drumming and emitting alarm calls, which permitted rapid confirmation of the birds' presence in their territories. During the three years of the study, respectively 29, 41 and 35 Syrian Woodpecker breeding pairs were confirmed, giving a mean density of 1.2–1.7 pairs/10 km2 for the entire study area, and 13.8–19.5 pairs/10 km2 calculated for the area of optimal habitat, such as orchards, tree lines and the scattered tree growth associated with human settlements (21 km2). The densities noted are among the highest found in both Poland and Europe.



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Jerzy Michalczuk and Monika Michalczuk "Reaction to Playback and Density Estimations of Syrian Woodpeckers Dendrocopos syriacus in Agricultural Areas of South-Eastern Poland," Acta Ornithologica 41(1), 33-39, (1 July 2006).
Received: 1 January 2006; Accepted: 1 May 2006; Published: 1 July 2006
Agricultural landscape
Dendrocopos syriacus
number of pairs
playback stimulation
Syrian Woodpecker
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